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it is part iron and part copper

  • 1 part

    1. noun
    1) Teil, der

    four-partvierteilig [Serie]

    the hottest part of the day — die heißesten Stunden des Tages

    for the most part — größtenteils; zum größten Teil

    in large part — groß[en]teils

    the funny part of it was that he... — das Komische daran war, dass er...

    it's [all] part of the fun/job — etc. das gehört [mit] dazu

    be or form part of something — zu etwas gehören

    2) (of machine or other apparatus) [Einzel]teil, das
    3) (share) Anteil, der
    4) (duty) Aufgabe, die

    do one's partseinen Teil od. das Seine tun

    5) (Theatre): (character, words) Rolle, die

    dress the part(fig.) die angemessene Kleidung tragen

    play a [great/considerable] part — (contribute) eine [wichtige] Rolle spielen

    6) (Mus.) Part, der; Partie, die; Stimme, die
    7) usu. in pl. (region) Gegend, die; (of continent, world) Teil, der
    8) (side) Partei, die

    take somebody's partjemandes od. für jemanden Partei ergreifen

    for my part — für mein[en] Teil

    on my/your etc. part — meiner-/deinerseits usw.

    9) pl. (abilities)

    a man of [many] parts — ein [vielseitig] begabter od. befähigter Mann

    10) (Ling.)

    part of speechWortart od. -klasse, die


    take [no] part [in something] — sich [an etwas (Dat.)] [nicht] beteiligen

    2. adverb 3. transitive verb
    1) (divide into parts) teilen; scheiteln [Haar]
    2) (separate) trennen
    4. intransitive verb
    [Menge:] eine Gasse bilden; [Wolken:] sich teilen; [Vorhang:] sich öffnen; [Seil, Tau, Kette:] reißen; [Lippen:] sich öffnen; [Wege, Personen:] sich trennen

    part from somebody/something — sich von jemandem/etwas trennen

    part withsich trennen von [Besitz, Geld]

    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) der Teil
    2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) der Teil
    3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) die Rolle
    4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) die Rolle
    5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) die Stimme
    6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) die Rolle
    2. verb
    (to separate; to divide: They parted( from each other) at the gate.) sich trennen
    - academic.ru/53750/parting">parting
    - partly
    - part-time
    - in part
    - part company
    - part of speech
    - part with
    - take in good part
    - take someone's part
    - take part in
    * * *
    [pɑ:t, AM pɑ:rt]
    I. n
    1. (not the whole) Teil m
    \part of her problem is that... ein Teil ihres Problems besteht [o ihr Problem besteht teilweise] darin, dass...
    \part of my steak isn't cooked properly mein Steak ist teilweise [o zum Teil] nicht richtig durchgebraten
    \part of the family lives in Germany ein Teil der Familie lebt in Deutschland
    she's \part of the family sie gehört zur Familie
    it's all \part of growing up das gehört [alles] zum Erwachsenwerden dazu
    that was just the easy \part [of it]! das war der leichtere Teil [des Ganzen]!
    the easy/hard \part of it is that/to...... das Einfache/Schwierige daran [o dabei] ist, dass/zu...
    the hard \part of writing a course is to find the right level das Schwierige beim Entwickeln eines Kurses ist es, den richtigen Schwierigkeitsgrad zu wählen
    [a] \part of me wanted to give up, but... ein Teil von mir wollte aufgeben, aber...
    to spend the best [or better] \part of the day/week doing sth den größten Teil des Tages/der Woche damit verbringen, etw zu tun
    \part of speech Wortart f
    to be a constituent \part of sth Bestandteil m einer S. gen sein
    to be an essential [or important] [or integral] \part of sth ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer S. gen sein
    the greater \part der Großteil
    the main [or major] \part der Hauptteil
    the remaining \part der Rest
    in \part teilweise, zum Teil
    payment in \part Abschlagszahlung f, Teil-/Ratenzahlung f SCHWEIZ
    in \parts teilweise
    the film was good in \parts der Film war phasenweise ganz gut
    in large \part zum großen Teil
    for the most \part zum größten Teil, größtenteils
    2. also TECH (component) Teil nt; of a machine Bauteil nt
    [spare] \parts Ersatzteile pl
    3. (unit) [An]teil m
    mix one \part of the medicine with three \parts water mischen Sie die Medizin mit Wasser im Verhältnis eins zu drei
    in equal \parts zu gleichen Teilen
    4. FILM, TV Teil m, Folge f
    5. ANAT
    body \part Körperteil m
    private \parts Geschlechtsteile pl
    soft \parts Weichteile pl
    6. usu pl GEOG Gegend f
    around [or in] these \parts ( fam) in dieser Gegend
    in our/your \part of the world bei uns/Ihnen
    in some \parts of the world in manchen Teilen der Welt
    in this \part of the world hierzulande
    7. THEAT ( also fig) Rolle f a. fig, Part m
    large/small \part ( also fig) wichtige/kleine Rolle a. fig
    leading/supporting \part Haupt-/Nebenrolle f
    to act [or play] a \part [in sth] eine Rolle [in etw dat] spielen
    to play an important \part in sth ( fig) bei etw dat eine wichtige Rolle spielen fig
    exams play a big \part in the school system Prüfungen spielen im Schulsystem eine große Rolle
    8. MUS Part m, Stimme f
    the piano \part die Klavierstimme
    in [or of] several \parts mehrstimmig
    9. no pl (involvement) Beteiligung f (in an + dat)
    to have a \part in sth an etw dat teilhaben
    to take \part in sth an etw dat teilnehmen; in an act, competition, also bei etw dat mitmachen fam
    to take \part in a discussion sich akk an einer Diskussion beteiligen
    to take \part in a game/lottery bei einem Spiel/einer Lotterie mitspielen [o fam mitmachen]
    to take \part in a stage play in einem Theaterstück mitwirken
    to take \part in local politics in der Lokalpolitik mitwirken [o aktiv sein]
    to want no \part in [or of] sth mit etw dat nichts zu tun haben wollen
    10. no pl (task) Pflicht f
    to do one's \part seine Pflicht [und Schuldigkeit] tun
    11. no pl (side)
    to take sb's \part sich akk auf jds Seite stellen
    on the \part of ( form) vonseiten form + gen
    , seitens form + gen
    it was a mistake on Julia's \part es war Julias Fehler
    on her/their \part ihrerseits
    on his/my/our \part seiner-/meiner-/unsererseits
    any questions on your \part? haben Sie ihrerseits/hast du deinerseits noch Fragen?
    12. AM (parting) Scheitel m
    to dress the \part sich akk entsprechend kleiden
    for my \part,... was mich betrifft,...
    for my \part, it doesn't matter whether he comes was mich betrifft, so ist es mir egal, ob er kommt, mir ist es für meinen Teil egal, ob er kommt
    for my \part, I think it's absolutely ridiculous! ich für meinen Teil halte es für absolut lächerlich!
    ... for her/his/your \part... ihrerseits/seinerseits/deinerseits
    I was stubborn, and they, for their \part, were not prepared to compromise ich war stur, und sie waren ihrerseits nicht kompromissbereit
    to be \part of the furniture selbstverständlich sein
    to look the \part entsprechend aussehen
    to be a man of many \parts vielseitig begabt sein
    to be \part and parcel of sth untrennbar mit etw dat verbunden sein, zu etw dat einfach dazugehören
    being recognized in the street is \part and parcel of being a famous actress eine berühmte Schauspielerin zu sein beinhaltet zwangsläufig [auch], dass man auf der Straße erkannt wird
    to take sth in good \part etw mit Humor nehmen
    II. adj attr teilweise, zum Teil
    she is \part African sie hat afrikanisches Blut [in sich]
    III. adv inv teils, teilweise
    the building consists \part of stone \part of wood das Gebäude besteht teils aus Stein, teils aus Holz
    IV. vi
    1. (separate) sich akk trennen
    to \part on good/bad terms im Guten/Bösen auseinandergehen
    2. (become separated) curtains, seams aufgehen; lips sich akk öffnen; paths sich akk trennen
    3. ( form: leave) [weg]gehen; (say goodbye) sich akk verabschieden
    4. ( euph: die) sterben
    my grandmother \parted from us last night meine Großmutter ist letzte Nacht von uns gegangen euph
    V. vt
    to \part sb/sth jdn/etw trennen
    he tried to \part the two quarrellers er versuchte, die zwei Streithähne [voneinander] zu trennen
    he's not easily \parted from his cash er trennt sich nur unschwer von seinem Geld
    ... till death do us \part ( liter)... bis dass der Tod uns scheide geh
    2. (keep separate)
    to \part sth from sth etw von etw dat trennen
    3. (comb)
    to \part one's/sb's hair [jdm/sich] einen Scheitel ziehen
    to \part company sich akk trennen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= portion, fragment) Teil m

    it's 3 parts gone —

    the stupid part of it is that... — das Dumme daran ist, dass...

    in part —

    the greater part of it/of the work is done — der größte Teil davon/der Arbeit ist fertig

    it is in large part finished/true — das ist zum großen Teil erledigt/wahr

    a part of the country/city I don't know — eine Gegend, die ich nicht kenne

    this is in great part due to... — das liegt größtenteils or vor allem an (+dat)...

    during the darkest part of the night —

    I lost part of the manuscript —

    the remaining part of our holidays —

    part of him wanted to call her, part of him wanted to forget about her — ein Teil von ihm wollte sie anrufen, ein anderer sie vergessen

    to be part and parcel of sthfester Bestandteil einer Sache (gen) sein

    it is part and parcel of the job —

    are transport costs included? – yes, they're all part and parcel of the scheme — sind die Transportkosten enthalten? – ja, es ist alles inbegriffen

    2) (MECH of kit etc) Teil nt
    3) (GRAM)
    4) (of series) Folge f; (of serial) Fortsetzung f; (of encyclopaedia etc) Lieferung f
    5) (= share, role) (An)teil m, Rolle f; (THEAT) Rolle f, Part m (geh)

    to take part in sthan etw (dat) teilnehmen, bei etw (dat) mitmachen, sich an etw (dat) beteiligen

    who is taking part? — wer macht mit?, wer ist dabei?

    he's taking part in the play —

    he looks the part (Theat) — die Rolle passt zu ihm; (fig) so sieht (d)er auch aus

    6) (MUS) Stimme f, Part m

    the soprano part — der Sopranpart, die Sopranstimme

    the piano part — der Klavierpart, die Klavierstimme

    7) pl (= region) Gegend f

    from all parts — überallher, von überall her

    in or around these parts — hier in der Gegend, in dieser Gegend

    in foreign parts —

    8) (= side) Seite f

    to take sb's partsich auf jds Seite (acc) stellen, für jdn Partei ergreifen

    for my part — was mich betrifft, meinerseits

    on the part ofvonseiten (+gen), von Seiten (+gen), seitens (+gen)

    11) (US in hair) Scheitel m
    12) pl (= male genitals) Geschlechtsteile pl
    2. adv
    teils, teilweise

    is it X or Y? – part one and part the other — ist es X oder Y? – teils (das eine), teils (das andere)

    it is part iron and part copper — es ist teils aus Eisen, teils aus Kupfer

    it was part eaten —

    he's part French, part Scottish and part Latvian — er ist teils Franzose, teils Schotte und teils Lette

    3. vt
    1) (= divide) teilen; hair scheiteln; curtain zur Seite schieben; legs aufmachen; lips öffnen;
    2) (= separate) trennen

    to part sb from sb/sth — jdn von jdm/etw trennen

    till death us do partbis dass der Tod uns scheidet

    to part company with sb/sth — sich von jdm/etw trennen; (in opinion) mit jdm nicht gleicher Meinung sein

    on that issue, I must part company with you — in dem Punkt gehen unsere Meinungen auseinander

    4. vi
    1) (= divide) sich teilen; (curtains) sich öffnen
    2) (= separate) (people) sich trennen; (things) sich lösen, abgehen

    we parted friendswir gingen als Freunde auseinander, wir schieden als Freunde (geh)

    * * *
    part [pɑː(r)t]
    A s
    1. Teil m/n, Bestandteil m, Stück n:
    be part and parcel of sth einen wesentlichen Bestandteil von etwas bilden;
    part of speech LING Wortart f;
    in part teilweise, zum Teil, auszugsweise, in gewissem Grade;
    part of the year (nur) während eines Teils des Jahres;
    for the better ( oder best) part of the year fast das ganze Jahr (hindurch), den größten Teil des Jahres, die meiste Zeit im Jahr;
    for the better ( oder best) part of two years (schon) fast zwei Jahre;
    that is (a) part of my life das gehört zu meinem Leben;
    payment in part Abschlagszahlung f;
    three-part dreiteilig
    2. PHYS (An)Teil m:
    part by volume (weight) Raumanteil (Gewichtsanteil);
    three parts of water drei Teile Wasser
    3. MATH Bruchteil m:
    three parts drei Viertel
    4. TECH
    a) (Bau-, Einzel)Teil n:
    parts list Ersatzteil-, Stückliste f
    b) Ersatzteil n
    5. Anteil m:
    take part (in) teilnehmen oder sich beteiligen (an dat), mitmachen (bei);
    have a part in sth an etwas teilhaben;
    have neither part nor lot in sth nicht das Geringste mit einer Sache zu tun haben;
    he wanted no part of the proposal er wollte von dem Vorschlag nichts wissen
    6. (Körper) Teil m, Glied n:
    soft parts Weichteile;
    the parts die Geschlechtsteile
    7. Buchhandel: Lieferung f:
    the book appears in parts das Werk erscheint in Lieferungen
    8. fig Teil m/n, Seite f:
    the most part die Mehrheit, das Meiste (von etwas);
    for my part ich für mein(en) Teil;
    a) in den meisten Fällen, meistenteils,
    b) größtenteils, zum größten Teil;
    on the part of vonseiten, seitens (gen);
    on my part von meiner Seite, von mir;
    take sth in good part etwas nicht übel nehmen
    9. Seite f, Partei f:
    he took my part, he took part with me er ergriff meine Partei
    10. Pflicht f:
    do one’s part das Seinige oder seine Schuldigkeit tun;
    it is not my part to do this es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, das zu tun
    11. THEAT etc
    a) auch fig Rolle f:
    act ( oder play) a part eine Rolle spielen (in bei);
    the Government’s part in the strike die Rolle, die die Regierung bei dem Streik spielte;
    he’s just acting a part er tut nur so, er schauspielert nur; dress B 1
    b) Rollenbuch n
    12. MUS (Sing- oder Instrumental-)Stimme f, Partie f:
    sing in parts mehrstimmig singen;
    for ( oder in, of) several parts mehrstimmig;
    three-part dreistimmig, für drei Stimmen
    13. pl (geistige) Fähigkeiten pl, Talent n:
    he is a man of (many) parts er ist ein fähiger Kopf, er ist vielseitig begabt
    14. Gegend f, Teil m (eines Landes, der Erde):
    in these parts hier(zulande);
    she’s not from these parts sie stammt nicht von hier oder aus dieser Gegend;
    in foreign parts im Ausland
    15. US (Haar)Scheitel m
    B v/t
    1. a) (ab-, ein-, zer)teilen: company A 1
    b) einen Vorhang aufziehen
    2. Familien, Kämpfende etc trennen:
    he’s not easily parted from his money er trennt sich nur ungern von seinem Geld
    3. Metalle scheiden
    4. das Haar scheiteln
    C v/i
    1. a) sich lösen, abgehen (Knopf etc), aufgehen (Naht etc)
    b) aufgehen (Vorhang)
    2. SCHIFF brechen (Ankerkette, Tau):
    part from the anchor den Anker verlieren
    3. auseinandergehen, sich trennen:
    part (as) friends in Freundschaft auseinandergehen
    4. part with etwas aufgeben, sich von jemandem od etwas trennen:
    part with money umg Geld herausrücken oder lockermachen
    5. euph verscheiden, sterben
    D adj Teil…:
    part damage Teilschaden m;
    part delivery WIRTSCH Teillieferung f
    E adv teilweise, zum Teil:
    made part of iron, part of wood teils aus Eisen, teils aus Holz (bestehend);
    part truth zum Teil wahr;
    part-done zum Teil erledigt;
    part-finished halb fertig
    p. abk
    1. page S.
    2. part T.
    3. LING participle Part.
    4. past
    5. Br penny, pence
    6. per
    7. post, after
    pt abk
    1. part T.
    3. pint ( pints pl)
    5. port
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Teil, der

    four-partvierteilig [Serie]

    for the most part — größtenteils; zum größten Teil

    in large part — groß[en]teils

    the funny part of it was that he... — das Komische daran war, dass er...

    it's [all] part of the fun/job — etc. das gehört [mit] dazu

    be or form part of something — zu etwas gehören

    2) (of machine or other apparatus) [Einzel]teil, das
    3) (share) Anteil, der
    4) (duty) Aufgabe, die

    do one's partseinen Teil od. das Seine tun

    5) (Theatre): (character, words) Rolle, die

    dress the part(fig.) die angemessene Kleidung tragen

    play a [great/considerable] part — (contribute) eine [wichtige] Rolle spielen

    6) (Mus.) Part, der; Partie, die; Stimme, die
    7) usu. in pl. (region) Gegend, die; (of continent, world) Teil, der
    8) (side) Partei, die

    take somebody's partjemandes od. für jemanden Partei ergreifen

    for my part — für mein[en] Teil

    on my/your etc. part — meiner-/deinerseits usw.

    9) pl. (abilities)

    a man of [many] parts — ein [vielseitig] begabter od. befähigter Mann

    10) (Ling.)

    part of speechWortart od. -klasse, die


    take [no] part [in something] — sich [an etwas (Dat.)] [nicht] beteiligen

    2. adverb 3. transitive verb
    1) (divide into parts) teilen; scheiteln [Haar]
    2) (separate) trennen
    4. intransitive verb
    [Menge:] eine Gasse bilden; [Wolken:] sich teilen; [Vorhang:] sich öffnen; [Seil, Tau, Kette:] reißen; [Lippen:] sich öffnen; [Wege, Personen:] sich trennen

    part from somebody/something — sich von jemandem/etwas trennen

    part withsich trennen von [Besitz, Geld]

    * * *
    (hair) n.
    Scheitel - m. adj.
    teils adj. n.
    Anteil -e m.
    Rolle -n f.
    Teil m.,n. (with) v.
    sich trennen (von) v. v.
    lösen v.
    trennen v.

    English-german dictionary > part

  • 2 aes

    aes, aeris (often used in plur. nom. and acc.; abl. aeribus, Cato ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 27 Müll., and Lucr. 2, 636; gen. AERVM, Inscr. Orell. 3551), n. [cf. Germ. Eisen = iron, Erz = copper; Goth. aiz = copper, gold; Angl.Sax. ar, ær = ore, copper, brass; Eng. iron, ore; Lat. aurum; with the com. notion of brightness; cf. aurora, etc.].
    Any crude metal dug out of the earth, except gold and silver; esp.,
    Aes Cyprium, whence cuprum, copper: scoria aeris, copper dross or scoria, Plin. 34, 11, 24, § 107:

    aeris flos,

    flowers of copper, id. 34, 11, 24, § 107:

    squama aeris,

    scales of copper, Cels. 2, 12 init.:

    aes fundere,

    Plin. 33, 5, 30, § 94:

    conflare et temperare,

    id. 7, 56, 57, § 197:

    India neque aes neque plumbum habet,

    id. 34, 17, 48, § 163:

    aurum et argentum et aes,

    Vulg. Ex. 25, 3.—
    An alloy, for the most part of copper and tin, bronze (brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, was hardly known to the ancients. For their bronze coins the Greeks adhered to copper and tin till B.C. 400, after which they added lead. Silver is rare in Greek bronze coins. The Romans admitted lead into their bronze coins, but gradually reduced the quantity, and, under Calig., Nero, Vesp., and Domit., issued pure copper coins, and then reverted to the mixture of lead. In the bronze mirrors now existing, which are nearly all Etruscan, silver predominated to give a highly reflecting surface. The antique bronze had about 87 parts of copper to 13 of tin. An analysis of several objects has given the following centesimal parts: statua ex aere, Cic. Phil. 9, 6:

    simulacrum ex aere factum,

    Plin. 34, 4, 9, § 15:

    valvas ex aere factitavere,

    id. 34, 3, 7, § 13.—Hence:

    ducere aliquem ex aere,

    to cast one's image in bronze, id. 7, 37, 38, § 125; and in the same sense poet.:

    ducere aera,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 240:

    aes Corinthium,

    Plin. 34, 2, 3, §§ 5-8; v. Corinthius.—
    (Esp. in the poets.) For everything made or prepared from copper, bronze, etc. ( statues, tables of laws, money), and (as the ancients had the art of hardening and tempering copper and bronze) weapons, armor, utensils of husbandry: aes sonit, franguntur hastae, the trumpet sounds, Enn. ap. Non. 504, 32 (Trag. v. 213 Vahl.):

    Et prior aeris erat quam ferri cognitus usus: Aere solum terrae tractabant, aereque belli Miscebant fluctus et vulnera vasta serebant, etc.,

    Lucr. 5, 1287:

    quae ille in aes incidit, in quo populi jussa perpetuasque leges esse voluit,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 17; cf. id. Fam. 12, 1; Tac. A. 11, 14; 12, 53; id. H. 4, 40: aere ( with the trumpet, horn) ciere viros, Verg. A. 6, 165:

    non tuba directi, non aeris cornua flexi,

    Ov. M. 1, 98 (hence also rectum aes, the tuba, in contr. with the crooked buccina, Juv. 2, 118); a brazen prow, Verg. A. 1, 35; the brazen age, Hor. Epod. 16, 64.—In plur.: aera, Cato ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 27 Müll.; Verg. A. 2, 734; Hor. C. 4, 8, 2 al.—
    Money: the first Roman money consisted of small rude masses of copper, called aes rude, Plin. 33, 3, 13, § 43; afterwards as coined:

    aes signatum,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 3; Plin. 33, 3, 13, § 43;

    so aes alone: si aes habent, dant mercem,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 49:

    ancilla aere suo empta,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 26: aes circumforaneum. borrowed from the brokers in the forum, Cic. Att. 2, 1: Hic meret aera liber Sosiis, earns them money, Hor. A. P. [p. 61] 345:

    gravis aere dextra,

    Verg. E. 1, 36:

    effusum est aes tuum,

    Vulg. Ez. 16, 36:

    neque in zona aes (tollerent),

    ib. Maarc. 6, 8:

    etiam aureos nummos aes dicimus,

    Dig. 50, 16, 159.—Hence,
    Aes alienum, lit. the money of another; hence, in reference to him who has it, the sum owed, a debt, Plaut. Curc. 3, 1, 2:

    habere aes alienum,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 6:

    aes alienum amicorum suscipere,

    to take upon one's self, id. Off. 2, 16:


    to run up, id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8:


    id. Att. 13, 46:


    Sall. C. 14, 2; 24, 3:

    in aes alienum incidere,

    to fall into debt, Cic. Cat. 2, 9:

    in aere alieno esse,

    to be in debt, id. Verr. 2, 2, 4, § 6; so,

    aere alieno oppressum esse,

    id. Font. 1; so Vulg. 1 Reg. 22, 2:

    laborare ex aere alieno,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 22:

    liberare se aere alieno,

    to get quit of, Cic. Att. 6, 2; so,

    aes alienum dissolvere,

    id. Sull. 56:

    aere alieno exire,

    to get out of, id. Phil. 11, 6.—
    In aere meo est, trop., he is, as it were, among my effects, he is my friend (only in the language of common conversation):

    in animo habui te in aere meo esse propter Lamiae nostri conjunctionem,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 62; 15, 14.—
    * 3.
    Alicujus aeris esse, to be of some value, Gell. 18, 5.—
    * 4.
    In aere suo censeri, to be esteemed according to its own worth, Sen. Ep. 87.—
    Sometimes = as, the unit of the standard of money (cf. as); hence, aes grave, the old heary money (as weighed, not counted out):

    denis milibus aeris gravis reos condemnavit,

    Liv. 5, 12:

    indicibus dena milia aeris gravis, quae tum divitiae habebantur, data,

    id. 4, 60; so, aes alone and in the gen. sing., instead of assium:

    aeris miliens, triciens,

    a hundred millions, three millions, Cic. Rep. 3, 10:

    qui milibus aeris quinquaginta census fuisset,

    Liv. 24, 11.—Also for coins that are smaller than an as (quadrans, triens, etc.):

    nec pueri credunt, nisi qui nondum aere, i. e. quadrante, lavantur (those who bathed paid each a quadrans),

    Juv. 2, 152 (cf.:

    dum tu quadrante lavatum Rex ibis,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 137).—
    Wages, pay.
    A soldier's pay = stipendium:

    negabant danda esse aera militibus,

    Liv. 5, 4. And soon after: annua aera habes: annuam operam ede.— Hence in plur., = stipendia, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 13, § 33.—
    Reward, payment, in gen., Juv. 6, 125: nullum in bonis numero, quod ad aes exit, that has in view or aims at pay, reward, Sen. Ep. 88.—
    In plur.: aera, counters; hence also the items of a computed sum (for which, later, a sing. form aera, ae (q. v.), came into use): si aera singula probāsti, summam, quae ex his confecta sit, non probare? Cic. ap. Non. 3, 18.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > aes

  • 3 Boulsover, Thomas

    b. 1704
    d. 1788
    English cutler, metalworker and inventor of Sheffield plate.
    Boulsover, originally a small-scale manufacturer of cutlery, is believed to have specialized in making knife-handle components. About 1742 he found that a thin sheet of silver could be fused to copper sheet by rolling or beating to flatten it. Thus he developed the plating of silver, later called Sheffield plate.
    The method when perfected consisted of copper sheet overlaid by thin sheet silver being annealed by red heat. Protected by iron sheeting, the copper and silver were rolled together, becoming fused to a single plate capable of undergoing further manufacturing processes. Later developments included methods of edging the fused sheets and the placing of silver sheet on both lower and upper surfaces of copper, to produce high-quality silver plate, in much demand by the latter part of the century. Boulsover himself is said to have produced only small articles such as buttons and snuff boxes from this material, which by 1758 was being exploited more commercially by Joseph Hancock in Sheffield making candlesticks, hot-water pots and coffee pots. Matthew Boulton introduced its manufacture in very high-quality products during the 1760s to Birmingham, where the technique was widely adopted later. By the 1770s Boulsover was engaged in rolling his plated copper for industry elsewhere, also trading in iron and purchasing blister steel which he converted by the Huntsman process to crucible steel. Blister steel was converted on his behalf to shear steel by forging. He is thought to have also been responsible for improving this product further, introducing "double-shear steel", by repeating the forging and faggoting of shear steel bars. Thomas Boulsover had become a Sheffield entrepreneur, well known for his numerous skills with metals.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson, 1937, Matthew Boulton, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (describes Boulsover's innovation and further development of Sheffield plate).
    J.Holland, 1834, Manufactures in Metal III, 354–8.
    For activities in steel see: K.C.Barraclough, 1991, "Steel in the Industrial Revolution", in J.Day and R.F.Tylecote (eds), The Industrial Revolution in Metals, The Institute of Metals.

    Biographical history of technology > Boulsover, Thomas

  • 4 engrasado

    greased, lubricated, oiled.
    1 lubrication, greasing.
    2 lubrication, greasing.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: engrasar.
    * * *
    masculino lubrication, greasing
    * * *
    = greasing, oiled.
    Ex. The conservation method consists of several stages: mechanical cleaning, chemical purification, neutralization of surplus acidity, blocking of noxious influences of cations of iron and copper, moistening and strengthening of leather bindings, and greasing.
    Ex. Whisk ingredients together, pour into oiled waffle iron, and cook on medium heat until steam starts coming out of the sides.
    * * *
    masculino lubrication, greasing
    * * *
    = greasing, oiled.

    Ex: The conservation method consists of several stages: mechanical cleaning, chemical purification, neutralization of surplus acidity, blocking of noxious influences of cations of iron and copper, moistening and strengthening of leather bindings, and greasing.

    Ex: Whisk ingredients together, pour into oiled waffle iron, and cook on medium heat until steam starts coming out of the sides.

    * * *
    lubrication, greasing
    * * *

    Del verbo engrasar: ( conjugate engrasar)

    engrasado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    engrasado sustantivo masculino
    lubrication, greasing
    engrasar ( conjugate engrasar) verbo transitivo
    a) (Auto, Mec) ( con grasa) to grease, lubricate;

    ( con aceite) to oil, lubricate
    b) (Coc) ‹ molde to grease

    engrasar verbo transitivo
    1 (untar con grasa, etc) to lubricate, oil: hay que engrasar el molde, you have to grease the tin
    2 (ensuciar con grasa) to make greasy, stain with grease
    * * *
    [acción] lubrication

    Spanish-English dictionary > engrasado

  • 5 depurado

    purified, unblemished, exquisite, sheer.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: depurar.
    * * *
    1→ link=depurar depurar
    1 (pulido) elaborate, carefully worked
    * * *
    ADJ [estilo] pure, refined
    * * *
    - da adjetivo <lenguaje/estilo> polished, refined; < gusto> refined
    * * *
    = cleanup [clean-up], filtering, purification.
    Ex. In the clean-up operation that you just described you recalled a figure of approximately 11,000 transactions.
    Ex. Additional techniques were developed for filtering, ranking and reducing information retrieval system output.
    Ex. The conservation method consists of several stages: mechanical cleaning, chemical purification, neutralization of surplus acidity, blocking of noxious influences of cations of iron and copper, moistening and strengthening of leather bindings, and greasing.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo <lenguaje/estilo> polished, refined; < gusto> refined
    * * *
    = cleanup [clean-up], filtering, purification.

    Ex: In the clean-up operation that you just described you recalled a figure of approximately 11,000 transactions.

    Ex: Additional techniques were developed for filtering, ranking and reducing information retrieval system output.
    Ex: The conservation method consists of several stages: mechanical cleaning, chemical purification, neutralization of surplus acidity, blocking of noxious influences of cations of iron and copper, moistening and strengthening of leather bindings, and greasing.

    * * *
    ‹lenguaje› polished, refined; ‹gusto› refined
    un estilo depurado a polished style
    * * *

    Del verbo depurar: ( conjugate depurar)

    depurado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo ‹lenguaje/estilo polished, refined;

    gusto refined
    depurar ( conjugate depurar) verbo transitivo
    a) agua to purify, treat;

    aguas residuales to treat
    b) sangre to cleanse

    a)organización/partido to purge

    b)lenguaje/estilo to polish, refine

    depurar verbo transitivo
    1 (limpiar un líquido, agua) to purify
    2 (un partido, una empresa) to purge
    3 (el estilo, vocabulario, etc) to refine
    * * *
    depurado, -a adj
    [estilo] refined, polished; [lenguaje, técnica] finely honed; [sistema] finely tuned; [gustos] refined; [diseño, líneas] sleek, elegant

    Spanish-English dictionary > depurado

  • 6 Stanley, Robert Crooks

    b. 1 August 1876 Little Falls, New Jersey, USA
    d. 12 February 1951 USA
    American mining engineer and metallurgist, originator of Monel Metal
    Robert, the son of Thomas and Ada (Crooks) Stanley, helped to finance his early training at the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, by working as a manual training instructor at Montclair High School. After graduating in mechanical engineering from Stevens in 1899, and as a mining engineer from the Columbia School of Mines in 1901, he accepted a two-year assignment from the S.S.White Dental Company to investigate platinum-bearing alluvial deposits in British Columbia. This introduced him to the International Nickel Company (Inco), which had been established on 29 March 1902 to amalgamate the major mining companies working the newly discovered cupro-nickel deposits at Sudbury, Ontario. Ambrose Monell, President of Inco, appointed Stanley as Assistant Superintendent of its American Nickel Works at Camden, near Philadelphia, in 1903. At the beginning of 1904 Stanley was General Superintendent of the Orford Refinery at Bayonne, New Jersey, where most of the output of the Sudbury mines was treated.
    Copper and nickel were separated there from the bessemerized matte by the celebrated "tops and bottoms" process introduced thirteen years previously by R.M.Thompson. It soon occurred to Stanley that such a separation was not invariably required and that, by reducing directly the mixed matte, he could obtain a natural cupronickel alloy which would be ductile, corrosion resistant, and no more expensive to produce than pure copper or nickel. His first experiment, on 30 December 1904, was completely successful. A railway wagon full of bessemerized matte, low in iron, was calcined to oxide, reduced to metal with carbon, and finally desulphurized with magnesium. Ingots cast from this alloy were successfully forged to bars which contained 68 per cent nickel, 23 per cent copper and about 1 per cent iron. The new alloy, originally named after Ambrose Monell, was soon renamed Monel to satisfy trademark requirements. A total of 300,000 ft2 (27,870 m2) of this white, corrosion-resistant alloy was used to roof the Pennsylvania Railway Station in New York, and it also found extensive applications in marine work and chemical plant. Stanley greatly increased the output of the Orford Refinery during the First World War, and shortly after becoming President of the company in 1922, he established a new Research and Development Division headed initially by A.J.Wadham and then by Paul D. Merica, who at the US Bureau of Standards had first elucidated the mechanism of age-hardening in alloys. In the mid- 1920s a nickel-ore body of unprecedented size was identified at levels between 2,000 and 3,000 ft (600 and 900 m) below the Frood Mine in Ontario. This property was owned partially by Inco and partially by the Mond Nickel Company. Efficient exploitation required the combined economic resources of both companies. They merged on 1 January 1929, when Mond became part of International Nickel. Stanley remained President of the new company until February 1949 and was Chairman from 1937 until his death.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    American Society for Metals Gold Medal. Institute of Metals Platinum Medal 1948.
    Further Reading
    F.B.Howard-White, 1963, Nickel, London: Methuen (a historical review).

    Biographical history of technology > Stanley, Robert Crooks

  • 7 पञ्चन् _pañcan

    पञ्चन् num. a. (Always pl., nom. and acc. पञ्च) Five. (As the first member of comp. पञ्चन् drops its final न्). [cf. Gr. pente.]
    -Comp. -अंशः the fifth part, a fifth.
    -अग्निः 1 an aggregate of five sacred fires; i. e. (अन्वाहार्यपचन or दक्षिण, गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय, सभ्य, and आव- सथ्य).
    -2 a householder who maintains the five sacred fires; पञ्चाग्नयो धृतव्रताः Māl.1; Ms.3.185.
    -3 five mystic fires supposed to exist in the body; तेजो ह्यग्निस्तथा क्रोधश्चक्षुरूष्मा तथैव च । अग्निर्जरयते यच्च पञ्चाग्नेयाः शरीरिणः ॥ Mb.12.184.21.
    -4 one who is acquainted with the doctrine of these fires. ˚साधनम् four fires on four sides and the sun above the head. This is a form of penance.
    -अङ्ग a. five-membered, having five parts or divi- sions as in पञ्चाङ्गः प्रणामः (i. e. बाहुभ्यां चैव जानुभ्यां शिरसा वक्षसा दृशा); कृतपञ्चाङ्गविनिर्णयो नयः Ki.2.12. (see Malli. and Kāmandaka quoted by him); पञ्चाङ्गमभिनयमुपदिश्य M.1; चित्ताक्षिभ्रूहस्तपादैरङ्गैश्चेष्टादिसाम्यतः । पात्राद्यवस्थाकरणं पञ्चाङ्गे$भिनयो मतः ॥
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a tortoise or turtle.
    -2 a kind of horse with five spots in different parts of his body. (
    -ङ्गी) a bit for horses.
    -(ङ्गम्) 1 collection or aggregate of five parts.
    -2 five modes of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brāhmaṇas)
    -3 the five parts of a tree; त्वक्पत्रकुसुमं मूलफलमेकस्य शाखिनः । एकत्र मिलितं चैतत् पञ्चाङ्ग- मिति संज्ञितम् ॥
    -4 a calendar or almanac, so called be- cause it treats of five things:-- (तिथिर्वारश्च नक्षत्रं योगः करणमेव च); चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चा- ङ्गबलवानाकाशं वशमानये ॥ Shbhāṣ. ˚गुप्तः a turtle. ˚पत्रम् a calendar. ˚विनिर्णयः the five rules are as follows; सहायाः साधनोपाया विभागो देशकालयोः । विनिपातप्रतीकारः सिद्धिः पञ्चाङ्ग- मिष्यते ॥ Kāmandak; cf. Ki.2.12. ˚शुद्धिः f. the propiti- ousness or favourable state of five important points; i. e. तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, योग and करण (in astrology).
    -अङ्गिक a. five-membered.
    -अङ्गुल a. (
    -ला or
    -ली f.) measuring five fingers. (
    -लः) the castor-oil plant.
    -अ(आ)जम् the five products of the goat; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अतिग a. liberated (मुक्त); सो$पि पञ्चातिगो$भवत् Mb. 12.59.9.
    -अप्सरस् n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage Mandakarni; cf. R.13.38.
    -अमरा The five plants i. e. (Mar. भांग, दूर्वा, बेल, निर्गुडी and तुळस.
    -अमृत a. consisting of 5 ingredients.
    -(तम्) 1 the aggregate of five drugs; dry ginger, a species of Moonseed (Cocculus cordifolius, Mar. गुळवेल), Asparagus recemosus (Mar. शतावरी), Hypoxis brevifolia (Mar. मुसळी), गोक्षुरक (Mar. गोखरूं).
    -2 the collection of five sweet things used in worshipping deities; (दुग्धं च शर्करा चैव घृतं दधि तथा मधु).
    -3 the five elements; Māl.5.2.
    -अम्लम् the aggregate of five acid plants (the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron).
    -अर्चिस् m. the planet Mercury.
    - अवयव a. five-membered (as a syllogism, the five members being, प्रतिज्ञा, हेतु, उदाहरण, उपनय and निगमन q. v.).
    -अवस्थः a corpse (so called because it is resolved into the five elements) cf. पञ्चत्व below.
    -अविकम् the five products of the sheep; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-five.
    -अहः a period of five days.
    - आतप a. doing penance with five fires. (i. e. with four fires and the sun); cf. R.13.41.
    -आत्मक a. consisting of five elements (as body).
    -आननः, -आस्यः, -मुखः, -वक्त्रः 1 epithets of Śiva.
    -2 a lion (so called because its mouth is generally wide open; पञ्चम् आननं यस्य), (often used at the end of names of learned men to express great learning or respect; न्याय˚, तर्क˚ &c. e. g. जगन्नाथतर्कपञ्चानन); see पञ्च a.
    -3 the sign Leo of the zodiac. (
    -नी) an epithet of Durgā.
    -आम्नायाः m. (pl.) five Śāstras supposed to have proceeded from the five mouths of Śiva.
    -आयतनी, -नम् a group of five deities like गणपति, विष्णु, शंकर, देवी and सूर्य.
    -इन्द्रियम् an aggregate of the five organs (of sense or actions; see इन्द्रियम्).
    -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; (so called because he has five arrows; their names are:-- अरविन्दमशोकं च चूतं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चैते पञ्चबाणस्य सायकाः ॥ the five arrows are also thus named:-- संमोहनोन्मादनौ च शोषणस्तापनस्तथा । स्तम्भनश्चेति कामस्य पञ्चबाणाः प्रकीर्तिताः ॥).
    -उपचारः the five articles of worship i. e. (गन्ध, पुष्प, धूप, दीप and नैवेद्य).
    -उष्मन् m. (pl.) the five digestive fires supposed to be in the body.
    -कपाल a. prepared or offered in five cups.
    -कर्ण a. branded in the ear with the number 'five' (as cattle &c.); cf. P.VI.3.115.
    -कर्मन् n. (in medicine) the five kinds of treatment; i. e. 1 वमन 'giving emetics'; 2 रेचन 'purging'; 3 नस्य 'giving stre- nutatories'; 4 अनुवासन 'administering an enema which is oily', and 5 निरूह 'administering an enema which is not oily. वमनं रेचनं नस्यं निरूहश्चानुवासनम् । पञ्चकर्मेदमन्यश्च ज्ञेयमुत्क्षेपणादिकम् ॥
    -कल्याणकः a horse with white feet and a white mouth.
    -कषाय a decoction from the fruits of five plants (जम्बु, शाल्मलि, वाट्याल, बकुल and बदर).
    -कृत्यम् the five actions by which the Supreme Power manifests itself (सृष्टि, स्थिति, संहार, तिरोभाव and अनुग्रह- करण).
    -कृत्वस् ind. five times.
    -कृष्णः A kind of game. (
    -ष्णाः) The five deities of Mahānubhāva sect namely चक्रवर्ती कृष्ण, Datta of Mātāpura, Gundam Raul of ऋद्धिपुर, चांगदेव राऊळ of द्वारावती and चांगदेव राऊळ of प्रतिष्ठान.
    -कोणः a pentagon.
    -कोलम् the five spices taken collec- tively; पिप्पली पिप्पलीमूलं चव्यचित्रकनागरम् । पञ्चकोलं......... (Mar. पिंपळी, पिंपळमूळ, चवक, चित्रक व सुंठ).
    -कोषाः m. (pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest the soul; they are:-- अन्नमयकोष or the earthly body (स्थूलशरीर); प्राणमयकोष the vesture of the vital airs; मनो- मयकोष the sensorial vesture; विज्ञानमयकोष the cognitional vesture (these three form the लिङ्गशरीर); and आनन्द- मयकोष the last vesture, that of beatitude. कोषैरन्नमयाद्यैः पञ्चभिरात्मा न संवृतो भाति । निजशक्तिसमुप्तन्नैः शैवालप़टलैरिवाम्बु वापीस्थम् ॥ Vivekachūdāmaṇi.
    -क्रोशी 1 a distance of five Kroṣas.
    -2 N. of the city, Banares.
    -खट्वम्, -खट्वी a collection of five beds.
    -गत a. (in alg.) raised to the fifth power.
    -गवम् a collection of five cows.
    -गव्यम् the five products of the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine, and cowdung (क्षीरं दधि तथा चाज्यं मूत्रं गोमयमेव च).
    -गु a. bought with five cows.
    -गुण a. five-fold. (
    -णाः) the five objects of sense (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द). (
    -णी) the earth.
    -गुप्तः 1 a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head).
    -2 the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines of the Chārvākas.
    -घातः (in music) a kind of mea- sure.
    -चत्वारिंश a. forty-fifth.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-five.
    -चामरम् N. of 2 kinds of metre; प्रमाणिकापदद्वयं वदन्ति पञ्चचामरम् Vṛittaratnākara.
    -जनः 1 a man, man- kind.
    -2 N. of a demon who had assumed the form of a conch-shell, and was slain by Kṛiṣṇa; तस्मै प्रादाद्वरं पुत्रं मृतं पञ्चजनोदरात् Bhāg.3.3.2.
    -3 the soul.
    -4 the five classes of beings; i. e. gods, men, Gandharvas, serpents and pitṛis; यस्मिन् पञ्च पञ्चजना आकाशश्च प्रतिष्ठितः Bṛi. Up.4.4.17.
    -5 the four primary castes of the Hindus (ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र) with the Niṣādas or barbarians as the fifth (pl. in these two senses); (for a full exposition see Sārirabhāṣya on Br. Sūtras 1.4.11-13). (
    -नी) an assemblage of five persons.
    -जनीन a. devoted to the five races. (
    -नः) an actor, a mimic, buffoon, one who is devoted to the pentad viz. singer, musician, dancer, harlot and a jester; गायकवादक- नर्तकदासीभण्डरतः खलु पञ्चजनीनः Bhāsāvritti on P.V.1.9.
    -ज्ञानः 1 an epithet of Buddha as possessing the five kinds of knowledge.
    -2 a man familiar with the doc- trines of the Pāśupatas.
    -तक्षम्, -क्षी a collection of five carpenters.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the five elements taken collectively; i. e. पृत्थी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -2 (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tāntrikas, also called पञ्चमकार because they all begin with म; i. e. मद्य, मांस, मत्स्य, मुद्रा and मैथुन.
    -तन्त्रम् N. of a well-known collection in five books containing moral stories and fables by Visnugupta; पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते H. Pr.9.
    -तन्मात्रम् the five subtle and pri- mary elements (such as शब्द, रस, स्पर्श and रूप and गन्ध).
    -तपस् m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning right over his head; cf. हविर्भुजामेधवतां चतुर्णां मध्ये ललाटंतपसप्तसप्तिः R.13.41; Ku.5.23; Ms.6.23 and Śi.2.51. also; ग्रीष्मे पञ्चतपा वीरो वर्षास्वासारषाण्मुनिः Bhāg. 4.23.6; Rām.3.6.5.
    -तय a. five-fold; वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टा अक्लिष्टाः Mbh. (
    -यः) a pentad.
    -तिक्तम् the five bitter things:-- निवामृतावृषपटोलनिदिग्धिकाश्च.
    -त्रिंश a. thirtyfifth.
    -त्रिंशत्, -त्रिंशतिः f. thirty-five.
    -दश a.
    1 fifteenth.
    -2 increased by fifteen; as in पञ्चदशं शतम् 'one hundred and fifteen'.
    -दशन् a. (pl.) fifteen.
    ˚अहः a period of fifteen days.
    -दशिन् a. made or consisting of fifteen.
    -दशी 1 the fifteenth day of a lunar fort- night (the full or new moon day); Y.1.146.
    -2 N. of a philosophical work (प्रकरणग्रन्थ) by माधवाचार्य (विद्यारण्य).
    -दीर्घम् the five long parts of the body; the arms, eyes, belly, nose and breast; बाहू नेत्रद्वयं कुक्षिर्द्वे तु नासे तथैव च । स्तनयोरन्तरं चैव पञ्चदीर्घं प्रचक्षते ॥
    -देवताः the five deities:-- आदित्यं गणनाथं च देवीं रुद्रं च केशवम् । पञ्चदैवतमित्युक्तं सर्वकर्मसु पूजयेत् ॥
    -धारणक a. upheld by the five elements.
    -नखः 1 any animal with five claws; such as the hare, alligator, tortoise, porcupine, rhinoceros शशकः शल्लकी गोधा खड्गी कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः । पञ्च पञ्चनखा भक्ष्या ये प्रोक्ताः कृतजैर्द्विजैः Bk.6.131; Ms.5.17,18; Y.1.177.
    -2 an elephant.
    -3 a turtle.
    -4 a lion or tiger.
    -नखी, -नखराज an iguana (Mar. घोरपड); Gīrvāṇa.
    -नदः 'the country of five rivers, the modern Panjab (the five rivers being शतद्रु, विपाशा, इरावती, चन्द्रभागा and वितस्ता, or the modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum).
    -दा (pl.) the people of this country.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-five.
    -निम्बम् the five products of निम्ब viz. (the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark and root).
    -नीराजनम् waving five things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things being:-- a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf).
    -पञ्चाश a. fiftyfifth.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-five.
    -पदी 1 five steps; पुंसो यमान्तं व्रजतो$पिनिष्ठुरै- रेतैर्धनैः पञ्चपदी न दीयते Pt.2.115.
    -2 the five strong cases, i. e. the first five inflections
    -पर्वन् n. (pl.) the five parvans q. v.; they are चतुर्दश्यष्टमी चैव अमावास्या च पूर्णिमा । पर्वाण्येतानि राजेन्द्र रविसंक्रान्तिरेव च ॥ a. five-knotted (an arrow).
    -पल्लवम् The leaves of the mango, fig, banyan, ficus religiosa (Mar. पिंपळ) and Genus Ficus (Mar. पायरी). There are other variations such as पनस, आम्र, पिप्पल, वट and बकुल. The first group is for the Vedic ritual only.
    -पात्रम् 1 five vessels taken collectively.
    -2 a Srāddha in which offerings are made in five vessels.
    -पाद् a. consisting of five feet, steps, or parts; पञ्चपादं पितरम् Praśna Up.1.11. (-m.) a year (संवत्सर).
    -पादिका N. of a commentary on शारीरकभाष्य.
    -पितृ m. (pl.) the five fathers:-- जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च कन्यां प्रयच्छति । अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः ॥
    -पित्तम् the bile of five ani- mals viz. (the boar, goat, buffalo, fish and peacock).
    -प्रस्थ a. having five elevations (a forest).
    -प्राणाः m. (pl.) the five life-winds or vital airs: प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, and समान.
    -प्रासादः a temple of a particular size with four pinnacles and a steeple.
    -बन्ध a fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen.
    -बलाः five medicinal herbs, namely बला, नागबला, महाबला, अति- बला and राजबला.
    -बाणः, -वाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; see पञ्चेषु.
    -बाहुः N. of Śiva.
    -बिन्दुप्रसृतम् N. of a particular movement in dancing; Dk.2.
    -बीजानि the five seeds:--कर्कटी, त्रपुस, दाडिम, पद्मबीज, and वानरीबीज.
    -भद्र a.
    1 having five good qualities.
    -2 consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &c.).
    -3 having five auspicious marks (as a horse) in the chest, back, face and flanks.
    -4 vicious.
    -द्रः a kind of pavilion.
    -भागिन् m. the five deities of पञ्चमहा- यज्ञ; धर्मकामविहीनस्य चुक्रुधुः पञ्चभागिनः Bhāg.11.23.9.
    -भुज a. pentagonal.
    (-जः) 1 a pentagon; cf. पञ्चकोण.
    -2 N. of Gaṇeśa.
    -भूतम् the five elements; पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -भृङ्गाः the five trees, viz. देवदाली (Mar. देवडंगरी), शमी, भङ्गा (Mar. भांग), निर्गुण्डी and तमालपत्र.
    -मकारम् the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of which the first letter is म; see पञ्चतत्त्व (2).
    -महापातकम् the five great sins; see महापातक Ms.11. 54.
    -महायज्ञाः m. (pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृ- यज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो बलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7. अहुतं च हुतं चैव तथा प्रहुतमेव च । ब्राह्मं हुतं प्राशितं च पञ्च यज्ञान् प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.73; see महायज्ञ.
    -मारः son of Baladeva; L. D. B.
    -माश(षि)क a. consisting of five Māṣas (as a fine &c.).
    -माष(षि)क a. amounting to five māṣas; गर्दभाजाविकानां तु दण्डः स्यात्पञ्चमाषिकः Ms.8.298.
    -मास्य a. happening every five months.
    -मुखः an arrow with five points; (for other senses see पञ्चानन.)
    -मुद्रा five gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol; viz आवाहनी, स्थापनी, संनिधापनी, संबोधनी and संमुखीकरणी; see मुद्रा.
    -मूत्रम् the urine of five female animals; the cow, goat, she-buffalo, sheep, and she-ass.).
    -मूलम् there are nine varieties of the pentad combinations of roots; लघुपञ्चमूल, बृहत्पञ्चमूल, शतावर्यादि, तृणपञ्चमूल, जीवकादिपञ्चमूल, पुनर्नवादिपञ्चमूल, गोक्षुरादि˚, वल्ली˚.
    -रत्नम् a collection of five gems; (they are variously enumerated: (1) नीलकं वज्रकं चेति पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । प्रवालं चेति विज्ञेयं पंचरत्नं मनीषिभिः ॥ (2) सुवर्णं रजतं मुक्ता राजावर्तं प्रवालकम् । रत्नपञ्चकमाख्यातम्...॥ (3) कनकं हीरकं नीलं पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । पञ्चरत्नमिदं प्रोक्त- मृषिभिः पूर्वदर्शिभिः ॥
    -2 the five most admired episodes of the Mahābhārata; गीता, विष्णुसहस्रनाम, भीष्मस्तवराज, अनुस्मृति and गजेन्द्रमोक्ष).
    -रसा the आमलकी tree (Mar. आंवळी).
    -रात्रम् 1 a period of five nights; इत्यर्थं वयमानीताः पञ्चरात्रो$पि विद्यते Pañch.3.24.
    -2 N. of one of Bhāsa's dramas.
    -3 N. of a philosophical treatise attributed to Nārada.
    -4 N. of an अहीन (sacrifice) lasting for 5 days; स एतं पञ्चरात्रं पुरुषमेधं यज्ञक्रतुमपश्यत् Śat. Br.; cf. Mb.12.218. 11.
    -राशिकम् the rule of five (in math.).
    -लक्षणम् a Purāṇa; so called because it deals with five important topics:-- सर्गश्च प्रतिसर्गश्च वंशो मन्वन्तराणि च । वंशानुचरितं चैव पुराणं पञ्चलक्षणम् ॥ see पुराण also.
    -लवणम् five kinds of salt; i. e. काचक, सैन्धव, सामुद्र, बिड and सौवर्चल.
    -लाङ्गलकम् a gift (महादान) of as much land as can be cultivated with five ploughs.
    -लोकपालः the five guardian deities viz. Vināyaka, Durgā, Vāyu, Ākāśa and Aśvinīkumāra.
    -लोहम् a metallic alloy containing five metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead and iron).
    -लोहकम् the five metals i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin and lead.
    -वटः the sacred or sacrificial thread worn across the breast (यज्ञोपवीत).
    -वटी 1 the five fig-trees: i. e. अश्वत्थ, बिल्व, वट, धात्री and अशोक.
    -2 N. of a part of the Daṇḍakā forest where the Godāvarī rises and where Rāma dwelt for a considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; परिहरन्तमपि मामितः पञ्चवटीस्नेहो बलादाकर्षतीव U.2.27/28; R.13.34.
    -वर्गः 1 an aggregate of five.
    -2 the five essential elements of the body.
    -3 the five organs of sense; संतुष्टपञ्चवर्गो$हं लोकयात्रां प्रवाहये Rām.2.19.27.
    -4 the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; cf. महायज्ञ.
    -5 the five classes of spies (कापटिक, उदास्थित, गृहपतिव्यञ्जन, वैदेहिकव्यञ्जन and तापसव्यञ्जन); cf. Kull. on Ms.7.154.
    -वर्षदेशीय a. about five years old.
    -वर्षीय a. five years old.
    -वल्कलम् a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely न्यग्रोध, उदुम्बर, अश्वत्थ, प्लक्ष and वेतस.
    -वल्लभा N. of Draupadī.
    -वार्षिक a. recurring every five years.
    -वाहिन् a. drawn by five (as a carriage).
    -विंश a. twenty-fifth.
    -शः 1 a Stoma consisting of 25 parts.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu (regarded as the 25th तत्त्व); स तु जन- परितापं तत्कृतं जानता ते नरहर उपनीतः पञ्चतां पञ्चविंश Bhāg. 7.8.53.
    -विंशतिः f. twenty-five.
    -विंशतिका a collection of twenty-five; as in वेतालपञ्चविंशतिका.
    -विध a. five- fold, of five kinds. ˚प्रकृतिः f. the five departments of a government; अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः Ms.7.157.
    -वीरगोष्ठम् an assembly room, concert-hall; रागमञ्जरी नाम पञ्चवीरगोष्ठे संगीतकमनुष्ठास्यति Dk.2.
    -वृत्, -वृतम् ind. five-fold.
    -वृत्तिता depending on senses; Rām.2.1.65.
    -शत a. amounting to five hundred.
    (-तम्) 1 one hundred and five.
    -2 five hundred.
    -शाखः 1 the hand; स्वशिरः पश्चशाखाभ्यामभिहत्यायतेक्षणा Mb.11.17.3; कदापि नो मुञ्चति पञ्चशाखः (नारायणस्य) Rām. Ch.1.9; स्फूर्जद्रत्नाङ्गुलीयद्युतिशबलनखद्योतिभिः पञ्चशाखैः Śiva B.3.49.
    -2 an elephant.
    -शारदीयः N. of a Yāga.
    -शिखः a lion.
    -शीलम् the five rules of conduct; Buddh.
    -शुक्लम् The holy combination of five days, viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the month (day of the manes) and day time, हरिवासर and सिद्धक्षेत्र (cf. त्रिशुक्लम्).
    - a. (pl.) five or six; सन्त्यन्ये$पि बृहस्पतिप्रभृतयः संभाविताः पञ्चषाः Bh.2.34.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-fifth.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-five.
    -सटः one with five tufts of hair on the head (सटाः जटाः केशसन्निवेशे मध्ये मध्ये पञ्चसु स्थानेषु क्षौरवद्वापनम्); दासो$यं मुच्यतां राज्ञस्त्वया पञ्चसटः कृतः Mb.3.272.18; (Mar. पांच पाट काढणें).
    -सप्तत a. seventy-fifth.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-five.
    -सस्यम् the five grains viz. धान्य, मुद्ग, तिल, यव and माष.
    -सिद्धान्ती f. the five astronomical doctrines from astronomical book like सूर्यसिद्धान्त etc.
    -सिद्धौषधयः the five medi- cinal plants:-- तैलकन्द, सुधाकन्द, क्रोडकन्द, रुदन्तिक, सर्पाक्षी.
    -सुगन्धकम् the five kinds of aromatic vegetable sub- stances; they are:-- कर्पूरकक्कोललवङ्गपुष्पगुवाकजातीफलपञ्चकेन । समांशभागेन च योजितेन मनोहरं पञ्चसुगन्धकं स्यात् ॥.
    -सूनाः f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; they are:-- पञ्चसूना गृहस्थस्य चुल्ली पेषण्युपस्करः कण्डनी चोदकुम्भश्च Ms.3.68.
    -सूरणाः the five medicinal esculent roots; sweet and bitter सूरण, अत्यम्ल- पर्णी, काण्डीर, मालाकन्द. &c.
    -स्रोतम् n. the mind; पञ्चस्रोतसि निष्णातः Mb.12.218.11. (com. पञ्चस्त्रोतांसि विषयकेदारप्रणालिका यस्य तस्मिन् मनसि).
    -हायन a. five years old.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चन् _pañcan

  • 8 deposit

    1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) depositar, dejar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) ingresar, depositar

    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito, ingreso
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) señal, fianza
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) señal
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) capa
    1. señal / depósito / entrada
    2. fianza
    deposit2 vb depositar
    1 (sediment) sedimento, depósito; (in wine bottle) poso, heces nombre masculino plural; (layer) capa
    2 (mining - of gold, copper, tin, etc) yacimiento; (of gas) depósito
    3 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL (payment into account) depósito, ingreso
    4 SMALLCOMMERCE/SMALL (returnable payment) depósito, fianza; (on smaller purchase) paga y señal nombre femenino; (first payment) entrada
    we put a deposit of £1,000 on the house dimos una entrada de 1.000 libras para la casa
    if you leave a deposit, we can keep it for you si dejas una paga y señal, te lo podemos guardar
    1 (leave - gen) depositar, dejar; (put down, set down, drop) depositar, poner; (of silt, sediment) depositar
    3 (pay as a deposit) entregar como depósito, pagar un depósito de
    deposit account cuenta de ahorros
    deposit [di'pɑzət] vt, - ited ; - iting : depositar
    1) : depósito m (en el banco)
    2) down payment: entrega f inicial
    3) : depósito m, yacimiento m (en geología)
    consignación s.f.
    depositar s.m.
    depósito (Sedimento) s.m.
    fianza s.f.
    imposición s.f.
    yacimiento s.m.
    consignar v.
    depositar v.
    ingresar v.
    sedimentar v.

    I dɪ'pɑːzət, dɪ'pɒzɪt
    a) ( set down) depositar, poner*
    b) ( Geol) \<\<silt\>\> depositar
    a) ( leave) depositar
    b) \<\<money\>\> depositar, ingresar (Esp)

    a) ( payment into account) depósito m, ingreso m (Esp); (before n)

    deposit slipcomprobante m or (RPl) boleta f de depósito, resguardo m de ingreso (Esp)

    b) ( down payment - on large amounts) depósito m, entrega f inicial; (- on small amounts) depósito m, señal f, seña f (RPl)
    c) ( security) depósito m, fianza f

    is there a deposit on this bottle? — ¿cobran el envase or (Esp, Méx) casco?

    2) (accumulation - of silt, mud) depósito m; (- of dust) capa f
    3) ( Min) ( of gas) depósito m; (of gold, copper) yacimiento m
    1. N
    1) (in bank) depósito m

    to have £50 on deposit — tener 50 libras en cuenta de ahorros

    2) (Comm) (=part payment) (on hire purchase, car) depósito m, enganche m (Mex); (on house) desembolso m inicial, entrada f (Sp); (=returnable security) señal f, fianza f

    to put down a deposit of £50 — dejar un depósito de 50 libras

    he paid a £2,000 deposit on the house — hizo un desembolso inicial de 2.000 libras para la casa, dio una entrada de 2.000 libras para la casa (Sp)

    to lose one's deposit(Brit) (Pol) perder el depósito

    3) (Chem) poso m, sedimento m
    4) (Geol) [of gas] depósito m ; [of mineral] yacimiento m
    2. VT
    1) (=put down) depositar; (=leave) [+ luggage] consignar, dejar (en consigna); [+ eggs] poner; [+ object] depositar ( with en); dejar ( with con)
    2) (in bank) [+ money] depositar, ingresar (in en)

    I want to deposit £10 in my account — quiero ingresar 10 libras en mi cuenta

    to deposit £2,000 on a house — hacer un desembolso inicial or (Sp) dar una entrada de 2.000 libras para una casa

    3) (Geol, Chem) depositar

    deposit account Ncuenta f de ahorros

    deposit slip Nhoja f de ingreso

    * * *

    I [dɪ'pɑːzət, dɪ'pɒzɪt]
    a) ( set down) depositar, poner*
    b) ( Geol) \<\<silt\>\> depositar
    a) ( leave) depositar
    b) \<\<money\>\> depositar, ingresar (Esp)

    a) ( payment into account) depósito m, ingreso m (Esp); (before n)

    deposit slipcomprobante m or (RPl) boleta f de depósito, resguardo m de ingreso (Esp)

    b) ( down payment - on large amounts) depósito m, entrega f inicial; (- on small amounts) depósito m, señal f, seña f (RPl)
    c) ( security) depósito m, fianza f

    is there a deposit on this bottle? — ¿cobran el envase or (Esp, Méx) casco?

    2) (accumulation - of silt, mud) depósito m; (- of dust) capa f
    3) ( Min) ( of gas) depósito m; (of gold, copper) yacimiento m

    English-spanish dictionary > deposit

  • 9 त्रि _tri

    त्रि num. a. [Uṇ.5.66] (declined in pl. only, nom. त्रयः m., तिस्त्रः f., त्रीणि n.) Three; त एव हि त्रयो लोकास्त एव त्रय आश्रमाः &c. Ms.2.229; प्रियतमाभिरसौ तिसृभिर्बभौ R.9.18; त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्यृतुमती सती Ms.9.9 [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three].
    -Comp. -अंशः 1 a three-fold share; त्र्यंशं दायाद्धरेद्विप्रः Ms.9.151.
    -2 a third part.
    -3 three-fourths.
    -अक्ष a. triocular.
    -अक्षः, -अक्षकः an epithet of Śiva; शुष्कस्नायु- स्वराह्लादात्त्र्यक्षं जग्राह रावणः Pt.5.57.
    -अक्षरः 1 the mystic syllable ओम् consisting of three letters; see under अ. आद्यं यत्त्र्यक्षरं ब्रह्म Ms.11.265.
    -2 a match- maker or घटक (that word consisting of three syllables).
    -3 a genealogist. (
    -री) knowledge, learning; see विद्या.
    -अङ्कटम्, -अङ्गटम् 1 three strings suspended to either end of a pole for carrying burdens.
    -2 a sort of colly- rium. (
    -टः) N. of Śiva.
    -अङ्गम् (pl.) a tripartite army (chariots, cavalry and infantry).
    -अङ्गुलम् three fingers' breadth.
    -अञ्जनम् the three kinds of collyrium; i. e. कालाञ्जन, रसाञ्जन and पुष्पाञ्जन.
    -अञ्जलम्, -लिः three handfuls taken collectively.
    -अधिपतिः (the lord of the 3 guṇas or worlds), an epithet of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.3.16.24.
    -अधिष्ठानः the soul. (
    नम्) spirit, life (चैतन्य). -a. having three stations; Ms.12.4.
    -अध्वगा, -मार्गगा, -वर्त्मगा epithets of the river Ganges (flowing through the three worlds).
    -अनीक a. having the three properties of heat, rain and cold; त्यनीकः पत्यते माहिनावान् Rv.3.56.3. (
    -का) an army consisting of horses, elephants and chariots.
    -अब्द a. three years old.
    -ब्दम् three years taken collectively.
    -अम्बकः (also त्रियम्बक in the same sense though rarely used in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Śiva.; त्रियम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श Ku.3.44; जडीकृतस्त्र्यम्बकवीक्षणेन R.2. 42;3.49. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera; कुबेरस्त्र्यम्बकसखः Ak.
    -अम्बका an epithet of Pārvatī
    -अशीत a. eighty-third.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-three.
    -अष्टन् a. twenty-four.
    -अश्र, -अस्र a. triangular. (
    -स्रम्) a triangle.
    -अहः 1 a period of three days.
    -2 a festival lasting three days.
    -आर्षेयाः deaf, dumb and blind persons.
    -आहिक a.
    1 performed or produced in three days.
    -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever).
    -3 having provision for three days कुशूलकुम्भीधान्यो वा त्र्याहिको$श्वस्तनो$पि वा Y.1.128.
    -ऋचम् (
    तृचम् also) three Riks taken collectively; Ms.8.16.
    -ऐहिक a. having provision for three days.
    -ककुद् m.
    1 N. of the moun- tain Trikūṭa.
    -2 N. of Viṣnu or Kṛiṣṇa.
    -3 the highest, chief.
    -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights.
    -ककुभ् m. Ved.
    1 Indra.
    -2 Indra's thunderbolt.
    -कटु dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken together as a drug; शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुकं गुडम् Śālihotra 62.
    -कण्टः, -कण्टकः a kind of fish.
    -करणी the side of a square 3 times as great as another.
    -कर्मन् n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) one who engages in these three duties (as a Brāhmaṇa).
    -काण्डम् N. of Amarsiṁha's dictionary.
    -कायः N. of Buddha.
    -कालम् 1 the three times; the past, the pre- sent, and the future; or morning, noon and evening.
    -2 the three tenses (the past, present, and future) of a verb. (
    -लम् ind. three times, thrice; ˚ज्ञ, ˚दर्शिन् a. omniscient (m.)
    1 a divine sage, seer.
    -2 a deity.
    -3 N. of Buddha. ˚विद् m.
    1 a Buddha.
    -2 an Arhat (with the Jainas).
    -कूटः N. of a mountain in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Laṅkā, the capital of Rāvaṇa.; Śi.2.5.
    -कूटम् sea-salt.
    कूर्चकम् a knife with three edges.
    -कोण a. triangular, forming a triangle.
    (-णः) 1 a triangle.
    -2 the vulva.
    -खम् 1 tin.
    -2 a cucumber.
    -खट्वम्, -खट्वी three bed- steads taken collectively.
    -क्षाराणि n. (pl.) salt-petre, natron and borax.
    -गणः an aggregate of the three objects of worldly existence; i. e. धर्म, अर्थ and काम; न बाधते$स्य त्रिगणः परस्परम् Ki.1.11; see त्रिवर्ग below.
    -गत a.
    1 tripled.
    -2 done in three days.
    -गर्ताः (pl.)
    1 N. of a country, also called जलन्धर, in the north- west of India.
    -2 the people or rulers of that country.
    -3 a particular mode of calculation.
    -गर्ता 1 a lascivious woman, wanton.
    -2 a woman in general.
    -3 a pearl.
    -4 a kind of cricket.
    -गुण a.
    1 consisting of three threads; व्रताय मौञ्जीं त्रिगुणां बभार याम् Ku.5.1.
    -2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, threefold, triple; सप्त व्यतीयुस्त्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) R.2. 25.
    -3 containing the three Guṇas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. (
    -णम्) the Pradhāna (in Sāṅ. phil.); (-ind.) three times; in three ways.
    -णाः m. (pl.) the three quali- ties or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः K.1.
    (-णा) 1 Māyā or illusion (in Vedānta phil.).
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -गुणाकृतम् ploughed thrice.
    -चक्षुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -चतुर a. (pl.) three or four; गत्वा जवात्त्रिचतुराणि पदानि सीता B.R.6.34.
    -चत्वा- रिंश a. forty-third.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f, forty-three.
    -जगत् n.
    -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos- phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी Sūkti.5.59.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा N. of a female demon, one of the Rākṣasa attendants kept by Rāvaṇa to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as a captive in the Aśoka-vanikā. She acted very kindly towards Sītā and induced her companions to do the same; सीतां मायेति शंसन्ति त्रिजटा समजीवयत् R.12.74.
    -जातम्, जातकम् The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon).
    -जीवा, -ज्या the sine of three signs or 9˚, a radius.
    -णता a bow; कामुकानिव नालीकांस्त्रिणताः सहसामुचन् Śi.19.61.
    -णव, -णवन् a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27.
    -णाकः the heaven; तावत्त्रिणाकं नहुषः शशास Bhāg.6.13.16.
    -णाचिकेतः 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajur- veda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith (according to Kull. on Ms.3.185); Mb.13.9.26.
    -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nāchiketa fire or studied the Nāchiketa section of Kāṭhaka; त्रिणाचिकेत- स्त्रिभिरेत्य सन्धिम् Kaṭh.1.17.
    -णीता a wife ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs to Soma, Gandharva and Agni before she obtains a human husband).
    -णेमि a. with three fellies; विचिन्वतो$भूत् सुमहांस्त्रिणेमिः Bhāg.3.8.2.
    -तक्षम्, तक्षी three carpen- ters taken collectively.
    -दण्डम् 1 the three staves of a Saṁnyāsin (who has resigned the world) tied togethar so as to form one.
    -2 the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (
    -ण्डः) the state of a religious ascetic; ज्ञानवैराग्यरहितस्त्रिदण्डमुपजीवति Bhāg.11.18.4.
    -दण्डिन् m.
    1 a religious mendicant or Saṁnyāsin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; तल्लिप्सुः स यतिर्भूत्वा त्रिदण्डी द्वारका- मगात् Bhāg.1.86.3.
    -2 one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body (or thought, word, and deed); cf. वाग्दण्डो$थ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥ Ms.12.1.
    -दशाः (pl.)
    1 thirty.
    -2 the thirty-three gods:-- 12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Aśvins. (
    -शः) a god, an immortal; तस्मिन्मघोनस्त्रिदशान्विहाय सहस्रमक्ष्णां युगपत्पपात Ku.3.1. ˚अङ्कुशः (-शम्) the heaven. ˚आयुधम् Indra's thunder- bolt; R.9.54. ˚आयुधम् rainbow; अथ नभस्य इव त्रिदशायुधम् R.9.54. ˚अधिपः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः epithets of Indra. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Śiva. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. ˚अरिः a demon. ˚आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihas- pati. ˚आधार Nectar. ˚आलयः, ˚आवासः
    1 heaven.
    -2 the mountain Meru.
    -3 a god. ˚आहारः 'the food of the gods', nectar. ˚इन्द्रः
    1 Indra.
    -2 Śiva.
    -3 Brahman. ˚गुरुः an epithet of Bṛihaspati, ˚गोपः a kind of insect; (cf. इन्द्रगोप) श्रद्दधे त्रिदशगोपमात्रके दाहशक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि R.11.42. ˚दीर्घिका an epithet of the Ganges. ˚पतिः Indra; एषो$प्यैरावतस्थस्त्रिदशपतिः Ratn.4.11. ˚पुङ्गवः Viṣṇu; Rām.1. ˚मञ्जरी the holy basil. ˚वधू, ˚वनिता, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः Me.6. ˚वर्त्मन् the sky. ˚श्रेष्ठः
    1 Agni.
    -2 Brahman. ˚दशीभूत Become divine; त्रिदशीभूतपौराणां स्वर्गान्तरमकल्पयत् R.15.12.
    -दिनम् three days collectively. ˚स्पृश् m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day.
    -दिवम् 1 the heaven; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28; Ś.7.3.
    -2 sky, atmosphere.
    -3 paradise.
    -4 happi- ness. (
    -वा) cardamoms. ˚अधीशः, ˚ईशः
    1 an epithet of Indra.
    -2 a god. ˚आलयः the heaven; अश्वमेधजिताँल्लोका- नाप्नोति त्रिदिवालये Mb.13.141.53. ˚उद्भवा
    1 the Ganges.
    -2 small cardamoms. ˚ओकस् m. a god; वपुषि त्रिदिवौकसां परं सह पुष्पैरपतत्र्छिलीमुखाः Vikr.15.72. ˚गत dead; त्रिदिवगतः किमु वक्ष्यते पिता मे Vikr.6.62.
    -दृश् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -दोषम् vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. वात, पित्त and कफ.
    -धा ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, ˚त्वम् tripartition; Ch. Up.
    -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa;
    -तुम् 1 the triple world.
    -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours.
    -धामन् m.
    1 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -2 of Vyāsa;
    -3 of Śiva.
    -4 of Agni.
    -5 death. -n. the heaven; हंसो हंसेन यानेन त्रिधाम परमं ययौ Bhāg.3.24.2.
    -धारा the Ganges.
    -नयन, -नेत्रः, -लोचनः epithets of Śiva; R.3. 66; Ku.3.66;5.72.
    - नवत a. ninety-third.
    -नवतिः f. ninety three.
    -नयना Pārvat&imacr.
    -नाभः Viṣṇu; Bhāg.8. 17.26.
    -नेत्रचूडामणिः the moon.
    -नेत्रफलः the cocoa-nut tree.
    -पञ्च a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen.
    -पञ्चाश a. fiftythird.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-three.
    -पुटः glass (काच).
    -पताकः 1 the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect.
    -2 the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines.
    -पत्रकः the Palāśa tree.
    -पथम् 1 the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world.
    -2 a place where three roads meet. (
    -था) an epithet of Mathura. ˚गा, ˚गामिनी an epithet of the Ganges; गङ्गा त्रिपथगामिनी; धृतसत्पथस्त्रिपथगामभितः स तमारुरोह पुरुहूतसुतः Ki.6.1; Amaru.99.
    -पद्, -पाद्, -पात् m. Ved.
    1 Viṣṇu.
    -2 fever (personified).
    -पद a. three-footed. (
    -दम्) a tripod; त्रिपदैः करकैः स्थालैः...... Śiva. B.22. 62.
    -पदिका 1 a tripod.
    -2 a stand with three feet.
    -पदी 1 the girth of an elephant; नास्रसत्करिणां ग्रैवं त्रिपदी- च्छेदिनामपि R.4.48.
    -2 the Gāyatrī metre.
    -3 a tripod.
    -4 the plant गोधापदी.
    -परिक्रान्त a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire.
    -पर्णः Kiṁśuka tree.
    -पाटः 1 intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure).
    -2 the figure formed by such intersection.
    -पाटिका a beak.
    पाठिन् a.
    1 familiar with Saṁhitā, Pada, and Krama.
    -2 one who learns a thing after three repetitions.
    -पादः 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 fever.
    -पाद् a.
    1 having three feet.
    -2 con- sisting of three parts, having three fourths; राघवः शिथिलं तस्थौ भुवि धर्मस्त्रिपादिव R.15.96.
    -3 trinomial. (-m.)
    1 an epithet of Viṣṇu in his dwarf incarnation.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -पिटकम् the 3 collections of Buddhistic sacred writings (सुत्त, विनय and अभिधम्म).
    -पुट a. triangular.
    (-टः) 1 an arrow.
    -2 the palm of the hand.
    -3 a cubit.
    -4 a bank or shore.
    -पुटकः a triangle.
    -पुटा an epithet of Durgā.
    -पुटिन् m. the castor-oil plant.
    -पुण्ड्रम्, -पुण्ड्रक a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes.
    -पुरम् 1 a collection of three cities.
    -2 the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Śiva at the request of the gods); Ku.7.48; Amaru.2; संरक्ताभिस्त्रिपुरविजयो गीयते किन्नरीभिः Me.56; Bh.3.123; (
    -रः) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Maya, ˚अन्तकः, ˚अरिः, ˚घ्नः, ˚दहनः, ˚द्विष् m., हरः &c. epithets of Śiva; अये गौरीनाथ त्रिपुरहर शम्भो त्रिनयन Bh.3.123; R.17.14. ˚दाहः burning of the three cities; मुहुरनुस्मरयन्तमनुक्षपं त्रिपुरदाहमुमापतिसेविनः Ki.5.14. ˚सुन्दरी Durgā.
    (-री) 1 N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi.
    -2 N. of a country.
    -पुरुष a
    1 having the length of three men.
    -2 having three assistants. (
    -षम्) the three ancestors- father, grand-father and great-grand-father.
    -पृष्ठम् the highest heaven; Bhāg.1.19.23. (
    ष्ठः) Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुष a.
    1 belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men.
    2 offered to three (as oblations).
    -3 inherited from three (as an estate).
    -प्रस्रुतः an elephant in rut.
    -फला (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (Mar. हिरडा, बेहडा and आंवळकाठी). Also (2) the three sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date); (3) the three fragrant fruits (nutmeg, areca- nut, and cloves).
    -बन्धनः the individual soul.
    -बलिः, बली, -वलिः, -वली f.
    1 the three folds or wrinkles of skin above the navel of a woman (regarded as a mark of beauty); क्षामोदरोपरिलसत्त्रिवलीलतानाम् Bh.1.93,81; cf. Ku.1.39.
    -2 the anus.
    -बलीकम् the anus.
    -बाहुः a kind of fighting with swords.
    -ब्रह्मन् a. with ब्रह्मा, विष्णु and महेश.
    -भम् three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees.
    -भङ्गम् a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body.
    -भद्रम् copulation, sexual union, cohabitation.
    -भागः 1 the third part; त्रिभागं ब्रह्महत्यायाः कन्या प्राप्नोति दुष्यती Mb.12.165.42.
    -2 the third part of a sign of the zodiac.
    -भुक्ल a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica,274, Fasc.1, p.29).
    -भुजम् a triangle.
    -भुवनम् the three worlds; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवन- गुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.35; Bh.1.99. ˚गुरु Śiva. ˚कीर्तिरसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. ˚पतिः Viṣṇu.
    -भूमः a palace with three floors.
    -मद the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness; Bhāg.3.1.43.
    -मधु n.
    -मधुरम् 1 sugar, honey, and ghee.
    -2 three verses of the Ṛigveda (1.9.6-8; मधु वाता ऋतायते˚).
    -3 a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B.
    -4 threefold utterance of a vedic stanza ˚मधु वाता -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B.
    -मार्गा the Ganges; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28.
    -मुकुटः the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -मुखः an epithet of Buddha.
    -मुनि ind. having the three sages पाणिनि, कात्यायन and पतञ्जलि; त्रिमुनि व्याकरणम्.
    -मूर्तिः 1 the united form of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Maheśa, the Hindu triad; नमस्त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यं प्रांक्सृष्टेः केवलात्मने । गुणत्रयविभायाय पश्चाद्भेदमुपेयुषे ॥ Ku.2.4.
    -2 Buddha, or Jina.
    -मूर्धन् m.
    1 a demon; त्रयश्च दूषण- खरस्त्रिमूर्धानो रणे हताः U.2.15.
    -2 a world called महर्लोक; G&imac;rvāṇa; cf. अमृतं क्षेममभयं त्रिमूर्ध्नो$धायि मूर्धसु Bhāg.2.6.19.
    -यव a. weighing 3 barley corns; Ms.8.134.
    -यष्टिः a necklace of three strings.
    -यामकम् sin.
    -यामा 1 night (consisting of 3 watches of praharas, the first and last half prahara being excluded); संक्षिप्येत क्षण इव कथं दीर्घयामा त्रियामा Me.11, Ku.7.21,26; R.9.7; V.3. 22.
    -2 turmeric.
    -3 the Indigo plant.
    -4 the river Yamuṇā.
    -युगः an epithet of Viṣṇu; धर्मं महापुरुष पासि युगानुवृत्तं छन्नः कलौ यदभवस्त्रियुगो$थ सत्त्वम् Bhāg.7.9.38; the god in the form of यज्ञपुरुष; Bhāg.5.18.35.
    -योनिः a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, cove- tousness, or infatuation).
    -रसकम् spirituous liquor; see त्रिसरकम्.
    -रात्र a. lasting for three nights. (
    -त्रः) a festival lasting for three nights. (
    -त्रम्) a period of three nights.
    -रेखः a conch-shell.
    -लिङ्ग a. having three genders, i. e. an adjective.
    -2 possessing the three Guṇas. (
    -गाः) the country called Telaṅga. (
    -गी) the three genders taken collectively.
    -लोकम् the three worlds. (
    -कः) an inhabitant of the three worlds; यद्धर्मसूनोर्बत राजसूये निरीक्ष्य दृक्स्वस्त्ययनं त्रिलोकः Bhāg.3. 2.13. ˚आत्मन् m. the Supreme Being. ˚ईशः the sun. ˚नाथः 'lord of the three worlds', an epithet of
    1 Indra; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा R.3.45.
    -2 of Śiva; Ku.5.77. ˚रक्षिन् a. protecting the 3 worlds; त्रिलोकरक्षी महिमा हि वज्रिणः V.1.6.
    -लोकी the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; सत्यामेव त्रिलोकीसरिति हरशिरश्चुम्बिनीविच्छटायाम् Bh.3.95; Śānti.4.22.
    -लोचनः Śiva.
    (-ना) 1 an unchaste woman.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -लोहकम् the three metals:-- gold, silver, and copper.
    -वर्गः 1 the three objects of wordly existence, i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, and काम; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku.5.38; अन्योन्यानुबन्धम् (त्रिवर्गम्) Kau. A.1.7; प्राप त्रिवर्गं बुबुधे$त्रिवर्गम् (मोक्षम्) Bu. Ch.2.41.
    -2 the three states of loss, stability, and increase; क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च त्रिवर्गो नीतिवेदिनाम् Ak.
    -3 the three qualities of nature, i. e. सत्त्व, रजस्, and तमस्.
    -4 the three higher castes.
    -5 the three myrobalans.
    -6 propriety, decorum.
    -वर्णकम् the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively.
    -वर्ष a. three years old; Ms.5.7.
    -वलिः, -ली f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty)
    -वली the anus.
    -वारम् ind. three times, thrice.
    -विक्रमः Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. ˚रसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda.
    -विद्यः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas.
    -विध a. of three kinds, three-fold.
    -विष्टपम्, -पिष्टपम् 1 the world of Indra, heaven; त्रिविष्टपस्येव पतिं जयन्तः R.6.78.
    -2 the three worlds. ˚सद् m. a god.
    -वृत् a.
    1 threefold; मौञ्जी त्रिवृत्समा श्लक्ष्णा कार्या विप्रस्य मेखला Ms.2.42.
    -2 consisting of three parts (as three गुणs, विद्याs); Bhāg.3.24.33;1.23.39; (consisting of three letters- ओङ्कार); हिरण्यगर्भो वेदानां मन्त्राणां प्रणवस्त्रिवृत् Bhāg.11.16.12. (-m.)
    1 a sacrifice.
    -2 a girdle of three strings; Mb.12.47.44.
    -3 an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. ˚करण combining three things, i. e. earth, water, and fire.
    -वृत्तिः livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms).
    -वेणिः, -णी f. the place near Prayāga where the Ganges joins the Yamunā and receives under ground the Sarasvatī; the place called दक्षिणप्रयाग where the three sacred rivers separate.
    -वेणुः 1 The staff (त्रिदण्ड) of a Saṁnyāsin; केचित् त्रिवेणुं जगृहुरेके पात्रं कमण्डलुम् Bhāg.11.23.34.
    -2 The pole of a chariot; अथ त्रिवेणुसंपन्नं...... बभञ्ज च महारथम् Rām.3. 51.16; Mb.7.156.83; a three bannered (chariot); Bhāg.4.26.1.
    -वेदः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas.
    -शक्तिः a deity (त्रिकला), Māyā; Bhāg.2.6.31.
    -शङ्कुः 1 N. of a celebrated king of the Solar race, king of Ayodhyā and father of Hariśchandra. [He was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested his family-priest Vasiṣṭha to officiate for him; but being refused he next requested his hundred sons who also rejected his absurd proposal. He, therefore, called them cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these insults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chāṇḍāla. While he was in this wretched condition, Viśvāmitra, whose family Triśaṅku had in times of famine laid under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. They, however, declined; whereupon the enraged Viśvāmitra. by his own power lifted up Triśaṅku to the skies with his cherished mortal body. He began to soar higher and higher till his head struck against the vault of the heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by Indra and the other gods. The mighty Viśvāmitra, however, arrested him in his downward course, saying 'Stay Triśaṅku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as a constellation in the southern hemisphere. Hence the wellknown proverb:-- त्रिशङ्कुरिवान्तरा तिष्ठ Ś.2.]
    -2 the Chātaka bird.
    -3 a cat.
    -4 a grass-hopper.
    -5 a fire- fly. ˚जः an epithet of Hariśchandra. ˚याजिन् m. an epithet of Viśvāmitra.
    -शत a. three hundred.
    (-तम्) 1 one hundred and three.
    -2 three hundred.
    -शरणः a Buddha.
    -शर्करा three kinds of sugar (गुडोत्पन्ना, हिमोत्था, and मधुरा).
    -शाख a. three-wrinkled; भ्रुकुट्या भीषणमुखः प्रकृत्यैव त्रिशाखया Ks.12.72.
    -शालम् a house with three halls or chambers.
    -शिखम् 1 a trident; तदापतद्वै त्रिशिखं गरुत्मते Bhāg.1.59.9.
    -2 a crown or crest (with three points).
    -शिरस् m.
    1 N. of a demon killed by Rāma.
    -2 an epithet of Kubera.
    -3 fever. त्रिशिरस्ते प्रसन्नो$स्मि व्येतु ते मज्ज्वराद्भयम् Bhāg.1.63.29.
    -शीर्षः Śiva.
    -शीर्षकम्, -शूलम् a trident. ˚अङ्कः, ˚धारिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -शुक्लम् the holy combination of 'three days' viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the moon (day of the manes) and day- time; त्रिशुक्ले मरणं यस्य, L. D. B.
    -शूलिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -शृङ्गः 1 the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -2 a triangle.
    -शोकः the soul.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-three.
    -ष्टुभ् f. a metre of 4 x 11 syllables.
    -संध्यम्, -संध्यी the three periods of the day, i. e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also
    -त्रिसवनम् (
    -षवणम्); Ms.11.216.
    -संध्यम् ind. at the time of the three Sandhyas; सान्निध्यं पुष्करे येषां त्रिसन्ध्यं कुरुनन्दन Mb.
    -सप्तत a. seventy-third.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-three.
    -सप्तन्, -सप्त a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21.
    -सम a. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral.
    -सरः milk, sesamum and rice boiled together.
    -सरकम् drinking wine thrice ('सरकं शीधुपात्रे स्यात् शीधुपाने च शीधुनि' इति विश्वः); प्रातिभं त्रिसरकेण गतानाम् Śi.1.12.
    -सर्गः the creation of the 3 Guṇas; Bhāg.1.1.1.
    -साधन a. having a threefold causality; R.3.13.
    -सामन् a. singing 3 Sāmans (an उद्गातृ); उद्गाता तत्र संग्रामे त्रिसामा दुन्दुभिर्नृप Mb.12.98.27.
    -साम्यम् an equilibrium of the three (qualities); Bhāg.2.7.4.
    -सुपर्णः, -र्णम् 1 N. of the three Ṛigvedic verses (Rv.1.114.3-5).
    -2 N. of T. Ār.1.48-5; -a. familiar with or reciting these verses; Ms.3.185.
    -स्थली the three sacred places: काशी, प्रयाग, and गया.
    -स्थानम् the head, neck and chest to- gether; तन्त्रीलयसमायुक्तं त्रिस्थानकरणान्वितम् Rām.7.71.15. -a.
    1 having 3 dwelling places.
    -2 extending through the 3 worlds.
    -स्रोतस् f. an epithet of the Ganges; त्रिस्रोतसं वहति यो गगनप्रतिष्ठाम् Ś.7.6; R.1.63; Ku.7.15.
    -सीत्य, -हल्य a. ploughed thrice (as a field).
    -हायण a. three years old.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > त्रि _tri

  • 10 tip

    I 1. noun
    (end, point) Spitze, die

    the tip of his nose/finger/toe — seine Nasen-/Finger-/Zehenspitze

    it is on the tip of my tonguees liegt mir auf der Zunge

    2. transitive verb,
    - pp-

    tip something [with stone/brass] — etwas mit einer [Stein-/Messing]spitze versehen

    II 1. intransitive verb,
    - pp- (lean, fall) kippen
    2. transitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (make tilt) kippen

    tip the balance(fig.) den Ausschlag geben; see also academic.ru/64432/scale">scale II 1. 2)

    2) (make overturn) umkippen; (Brit.): (discharge) kippen
    3) (mention as likely winner etc.) voraussagen [Sieger]

    be tipped for the Presidency/a post — als Favorit für die Präsidentschaftswahlen/einen Posten genannt werden

    4) (coll.): (give) geben

    tip somebody the wink(fig.) jemandem Bescheid sagen; (tip somebody off) jemandem einen Tipp geben (ugs.)

    5) (give money to)

    tip somebody [20p] — jemandem [20 Pence] Trinkgeld geben

    3. noun
    1) (money) Trinkgeld, das
    2) (special information) Hinweis, der; Tipp, der (ugs.); (advice) Rat, der
    3) (Brit.): (place for refuse) Müllkippe, die
    4) (derog.): (untidy place) Schweinestall, der
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    I 1. [tip] noun
    (the small or thin end, point or top of something: the tips of my fingers.) die Spitze
    2. verb
    (to put, or form, a tip on: The spear was tipped with an iron point.) beschlagen
    - tipped
    - tip-top
    - be on the tip of one's tongue
    II 1. [tip] past tense, past participle - tipped; verb
    1) (to (make something) slant: The boat tipped to one side.) kippen
    2) (to empty (something) from a container, or remove (something) from a surface, with this kind of motion: He tipped the water out of the bucket.) kippen
    3) (to dump (rubbish): People have been tipping their rubbish in this field.) abladen
    2. noun
    (a place where rubbish is thrown: a refuse/rubbish tip.) der Abladeplatz
    III 1. [tip] noun
    (a gift of money given to a waiter etc, for personal service: I gave him a generous tip.) das Trinkgeld
    2. verb
    (to give such a gift to.) Trinkgeld geben
    IV [tip] noun
    (a piece of useful information; a hint: He gave me some good tips on/about gardening.) der Tip
    * * *
    I. vt
    <- pp->
    1. (attach to extremity of)
    to \tip sth with sth etw an der Spitze mit etw dat versehen
    to \tip an arrow/a spear with poison einen Pfeil/Speer in Gift [ein]tauchen
    to \tip sth with black/red/white etw in schwarze/rote/weiße Farbe eintauchen
    to \tip sth with silver/steel etw mit einer Silber-/Stahlspitze versehen
    mountains \tipped with snow Berge pl mit schneebedeckten Gipfeln
    2. (dye one's hair)
    to \tip one's hair sich dat die Spitzen färben
    II. n
    1. (pointed end) Spitze f
    asparagus \tip Spargelspitze f
    filter \tip Filtermundstück nt
    the southern \tip of Florida die Südspitze von Florida
    \tips pl gefärbte Spitzen
    to the \tips of sb's fingers durch und durch
    he's a conservative to the \tips of his fingers er ist erzkonservativ
    the \tip of the iceberg die Spitze des Eisbergs
    it's on the \tip of my tongue es liegt mir auf der Zunge
    I. n BRIT
    1. (garbage dump) Deponie f
    rubbish [or waste] \tip Mülldeponie f
    2. ( fam: mess) Saustall m fig pej sl
    II. vt
    <- pp->
    to \tip sth into sth etw in etw akk ausschütten [o SCHWEIZ ausleeren]
    the child \tipped the toys all over the floor das Kind kippte die Spielsachen über den ganzen Boden aus
    it's \tipping it down BRIT, AUS ( fam) es schüttet [o gießt] fam
    to \tip sth etw neigen
    to \tip the balance [or scales] ( fig) den Ausschlag geben
    two quick goals \tipped the balance in favour of England zwei schnelle Tore brachten die Entscheidung zu Gunsten Englands
    to \tip the scales at 80 kilos 80 Kilo auf die Waage bringen fam
    to \tip one's chair back seinen Stuhl nach hinten kippen
    to \tip one's hat over one's eyes sich dat den Hut über die Augen ziehen
    to \tip the window das Fenster kippen
    3. (touch)
    to \tip sth etw antippen; (tap) etw abklopfen
    to \tip one's cap [or hat] an den Hut tippen
    to \tip one's cigarette die Asche von seiner Zigarette abklopfen
    III. vi
    <- pp->
    “No \tipping” „Müll abladen verboten“
    2. (tilt) umkippen
    I. n
    1. (money) Trinkgeld nt
    to give [or leave] a 10% \tip 10 % Trinkgeld geben
    2. (suggestion) Rat[schlag] m, Tipp m fam
    a \tip about buying a house/growing vegetables ein Tipp für den Hauskauf/Gemüseanbau
    helpful/useful \tip hilfreicher/nützlicher Tipp [o Hinweis]
    hot \tip heißer Tipp fam
    to give sb a \tip jdm einen Tipp geben fam
    to take a \tip from sb jds Rat befolgen
    if you take my \tip, you'll avoid that part of the city wenn du mich fragst, solltest du diesen Teil der Stadt meiden
    II. vt
    <- pp->
    to \tip sb jdm Trinkgeld geben
    they \tipped the waiter £5 sie gaben dem Ober 5 Pfund Trinkgeld
    to \tip sth auf etw akk tippen
    Davis is being \tipped to win the championship Davis ist Favorit auf den Meistertitel
    he's \tipped as the next Prime Minister er gilt als der nächste Premierminister
    to be \tipped for success auf Erfolgskurs sein
    to \tip one's hand AM sich akk festlegen
    to \tip sb the wink BRIT jdm einen Wink geben
    III. vi
    <- pp->
    Trinkgeld geben
    * * *
    I [tɪp]
    1. n
    Spitze f; (of cigarette) Filter m

    it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her what I thought of herich war fast so weit, ihr zu sagen, was ich von ihr hielt

    it's just the tip of the iceberg (fig)das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs

    2. vt
    (= put tip on)

    to tip sth with copper/steel etc — etw mit einer Kupfer-/Stahlspitze versehen

    copper/steel-tipped — mit Kupfer-/Stahlspitze

    1. n
    1) (= gratuity) Trinkgeld nt

    what do your tips amount to? —

    £100 a week, plus tips — £ 100 pro Woche, plus Trinkgeld(er)

    2) (= warning) Wink m, Tipp m; (= advice) Tipp m, Hinweis m, Ratschlag m; (RACING) Tipp m

    (= tap) to give the ball a tip — den Ball nur antippen

    2. vt
    1) (= give gratuity to) Trinkgeld geben (+dat)

    to tip sb £3 — jdm £ 3 Trinkgeld geben

    2) (RACING) tippen auf (+acc), setzen auf (+acc)

    he tipped Golden Boy for the 3.30 — er setzte or tippte im 3.30-Uhr-Rennen auf Golden Boy

    they are tipped to win the competition/election ( Brit fig )sie sind die Favoriten in dem Wettbewerb/in der Wahl

    you tipped a winner (lit, fig)da hast du auf das richtige Pferd gesetzt

    3) (= tap with fingers) tippen or schnipsen an (+acc); (with bat, racket) antippen
    3. vi
    1. vt
    (= tilt, incline) kippen; (= overturn) umkippen; (= pour) liquid kippen, schütten; (= empty) load, sand, rubbish schütten; books, clothes etc schmeißen

    to tip sth backwards/forwards —

    to tip one's hat over one's eyessich (dat) den Hut über die Augen ziehen/schieben

    2. vi
    (= incline) kippen; (= dump rubbish) Schutt abladen

    "no tipping", "tipping prohibited" — "Schutt abladen verboten"

    3. n
    1) (Brit for rubbish) Müllkippe f; (for coal) Halde f; (inf = untidy place) Saustall m (inf)
    * * *
    tip1 [tıp]
    A s
    1. (Schwanz-, Stock- etc) Spitze f, äußerstes (Flügel- etc) Ende, Zipfel m:
    tip of the ear Ohrläppchen n;
    tip of the finger (nose, tongue) Finger-(Nasen-, Zungen)spitze;
    the tips of one’s fingers fig bis in die Fingerspitzen, durch und durch;
    on the tips of one’s toes auf Zehenspitzen;
    I had it ( oder it was) on the tip of my tongue es lag oder schwebte mir auf der Zunge, ich hatte es auf der Zunge
    2. (Berg) Gipfel m, Spitze f: iceberg
    3. TECH (spitzes) Endstück, besonders
    a) (Stock- etc) Zwinge f
    b) (Pumpen-, Stecker-, Taster- etc) Spitze f
    c) Düse f
    d) Tülle f
    e) (Schuh) Kappe f
    4. Filter m (einer Zigarette)
    B v/t
    1. TECH mit einer Spitze oder Zwinge etc versehen, beschlagen
    2. Büsche etc stutzen
    tip2 [tıp]
    A s
    1. Neigung f:
    give sth a tip B 2
    2. Br (Schutt- etc) Abladeplatz m, (-)Halde f
    3. TECH Kippvorrichtung f, -anlage f
    B v/t
    1. kippen, neigen:
    tip up hochkippen, -klappen; balance A 1, scale2 A 1
    2. meist tip over ( oder up) umkippen
    3. Sand etc kippen ( onto auf akk):
    tip off ( oder out) auskippen
    4. tippen an (den Hut etc; zum Gruß): hat Bes Redew
    5. Br Müll etc abladen
    C v/i
    1. sich neigen:
    tip up hochkippen, -klappen
    2. meist tip over ( oder up) umkippen, FLUG auf den Kopf gehen
    3. tip out herausfallen
    tip3 [tıp]
    A s
    1. Trinkgeld n
    2. (Wett- etc) Tipp m
    3. Tipp m, Wink m, Fingerzeig m, Hinweis m, Rat m:
    take my tip and … hör auf mich und …
    B v/t
    1. jemandem ein Trinkgeld geben:
    tip sb £2 jemandem zwei Pfund Trinkgeld geben;
    tip sb lavishly jemandem ein fürstliches oder großzügiges Trinkgeld geben
    2. jemandem einen Tipp oder Rat geben:
    tip sb off jemandem einen Tipp oder Wink geben ( that dass), jemanden (rechtzeitig) warnen ( about vor dat)
    3. besonders SPORT tippen auf (akk)(as als)
    C v/i Trinkgelder oder ein Trinkgeld geben
    tip4 [tıp]
    A s Klaps m, leichte Berührung:
    give the ball a tip den Ball antippen
    B v/t leicht schlagen oder berühren, Ball antippen
    C v/i trippeln
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    (end, point) Spitze, die

    the tip of his nose/finger/toe — seine Nasen-/Finger-/Zehenspitze

    2. transitive verb,
    - pp-

    tip something [with stone/brass] — etwas mit einer [Stein-/Messing]spitze versehen

    II 1. intransitive verb,
    - pp- (lean, fall) kippen
    2. transitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (make tilt) kippen

    tip the balance(fig.) den Ausschlag geben; see also scale II 1. 2)

    2) (make overturn) umkippen; (Brit.): (discharge) kippen
    3) (mention as likely winner etc.) voraussagen [Sieger]

    be tipped for the Presidency/a post — als Favorit für die Präsidentschaftswahlen/einen Posten genannt werden

    4) (coll.): (give) geben

    tip somebody the wink(fig.) jemandem Bescheid sagen; (tip somebody off) jemandem einen Tipp geben (ugs.)

    tip somebody [20p] — jemandem [20 Pence] Trinkgeld geben

    3. noun
    1) (money) Trinkgeld, das
    2) (special information) Hinweis, der; Tipp, der (ugs.); (advice) Rat, der
    3) (Brit.): (place for refuse) Müllkippe, die
    4) (derog.): (untidy place) Schweinestall, der
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Hinweis -e m.
    Kippe -n f.
    Spitze -n (spitzes Ende) f.
    Tip -s (alt.Rechtschreibung) m.
    Tipp -s m.
    Trinkgeld n. (money) v.
    ein Trinkgeld geben ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > tip

  • 11 tel

    tel, telle [tεl]
       a. (similitude) such(PROV) tel père, tel fils like father like son
    as-tu jamais rien vu de tel ? have you ever seen such a thing?
    il est le patron, en tant que tel il aurait dû agir he is the boss and as such he ought to have taken action
    un tel, une telle such a
    c'est une telle joie de l'entendre ! it's such a joy to hear him!
    les métaux tels que l'or, l'argent et le platine metals like gold, silver and platinum
    tel que je le connais, il ne viendra pas if I know him, he won't come
    tel que vous me voyez, je reviens d'Afrique I'm just back from Africa
    il m'a dit: « sortez d'ici ou je vous sors », tel que ! (inf) he said to me "get out of here or I'll throw you out" - just like that! tel quel, telle quelle (inf)
    j'ai lu dans tel ou tel article que... I read in some article or other that...
    * * *

    telle tɛl adjectif
    1) ( pareil) such

    un tel homme peut être dangereux — such a man can be dangerous, a man like that can be dangerous

    2) ( pareil à) like
    3) ( ainsi)

    tels furent ses propos — those were his/her words

    il est honnête, du moins je le crois tel — he's honest, at least I believe him to be so

    comme tel, en tant que tel — as such

    tel quel, tel que — (colloq) controv ( sans modification) as it is

    ses affaires étaient restées telles quelles — his/her things were left as they were

    tel que — ( comme) as

    de telle sorte or façon or manière que — ( accidentellement) in such a way that; ( délibérément) so that

    admettons qu'il arrive tel jour, à telle heure — suppose that he arrives on such and such a day, at such and such a time

    que je prenne telle ou telle décision il critique toujours — no matter what decision I make, he criticizes it

    pronom indéfini

    tel voulait la guerre, tel voulait la paix — some wanted war, some wanted peace

    * * *
    tɛl adj (telle)
    1) (= pareil) such

    Il n'y a rien de tel qu'une bonne nuit de sommeil. — There's nothing like a good night's sleep.

    2) (= comme)

    tel un... — like a...

    tel des... — like...

    tel que conj — like, such as

    tel quel (= comme c'est) — as it is, as it stands

    J'ai tout laissé tel quel. — I left everything as it was.

    un tel... — such (a)...

    de tels... — such...

    Il a un tel enthousiasme! — He's got such enthusiasm!, He's so enthusiastic!

    * * *
    A adj
    1 ( pareil) such; une telle conduite vous honore such behaviourGB does you credit; un tel homme peut être dangereux such a man can be dangerous, a man like that can be dangerous; personne d'autre n'a un tel rire no-one else has a laugh like that ou laughs like that; une telle qualité n'existe plus such quality ou quality like that can no longer be found; je n'ai jamais rien vu/entendu de tel I've never seen/heard anything like it; tel que such as; les bêtes féroces telles que le tigre, la panthère fierce animals such as the tiger, the panther; un homme tel que lui mérite d'être pendu a man like that deserves to be hanged;
    2 ( pareil à) like; ils s'enfuirent telle une bande de moineaux they fled like a flock of sparrows; les poissons de mer qui, tel le saumon, vont se reproduire en rivières sea fish which, like salmon, spawn in rivers;
    3 ( ainsi) telle est la vérité that is the truth; tels furent ses propos those were his words; tel est cet ami à qui tu faisais confiance that's what he's really like, that friend you trusted; il est honnête, du moins je le crois tel he's honest, at least I believe him to be so; comme tel, en tant que tel as such; ce n'est pas sa fille mais il la considère comme telle she's not his daughter but he treats her as if she were; c'est peut-être son meilleur livre-moi, je le tiens pour tel it's probably his best book-I myself consider it to be so; tel quel, tel que controv ( sans modification) as it is; ses affaires étaient restées telles quelles his things were left as they were; servir le saumon tel quel serve the salmon as it is; tu l'avais mis sur la table, je l'ai trouvé tel quel you had left it on the table, I found it lying there; tel que ( comme) as; tel que pratiqué as practisedGB; si cette maison est telle que tu le dis if the house is as you say it is; Marie est restée telle que je l'ai connue Marie has stayed as I knew her; tel que je te connais if I know you; tel que vous le voyez il est milliardaire/il a 80 ans you wouldn't believe it to look at him but he's a millionaire/he's 80;
    4 ( pour exprimer l'intensité) avec un tel enthousiasme with such enthusiasm; il fait une telle chaleur/un tel froid it is so hot/so cold; il y avait un tel bruit there was so much noise; nos problèmes sont tels que nous devons vous en parler our problems are such that we need to discuss them with you; de telle sorte or façon or manière que ( accidentellement) in such a way that; ( délibérément) so that;
    5 ( un certain) admettons qu'il arrive tel jour, à telle heure suppose that he arrives on such and such a day, at such and such a time; que je prenne telle ou telle décision il critique toujours no matter what decision I make, he criticizes it; apprendre à se conduire de telle ou telle façon en telle ou telle circonstance to learn to behave in such and such a manner in such and such a situation; je me moque de ce que pense telle ou telle personne I don't care what certain people think; tel autre others; tels autres certain others.
    B pron indéf tel voulait la guerre, tel voulait la paix some wanted war, some wanted peace; s'il rencontrait tel ou tel il le leur dirait if he were to meet anybody he would tell them; qu'importe si tel et tel ne sont pas contents what does it matter if some people aren't pleased; tel qui se disait son ami le renie aujourd'hui he who claimed to be his friend denies him now; ⇒ prendre.
    1. [avec une valeur indéterminée]
    tel jour, tel endroit, à telle heure on such and such a day, at such and such a place, at such and such a time
    2. [semblable] such
    je n'ai rien dit de tel I never said such a thing, I said nothing of the sort
    il était médecin et comme tel, il avait des passe-droits he was doctor and as such he had special dispensations
    il n'est pas avare, mais il passe pour tel he's not mean, but people think he is
    3. [ainsi]
    telle avait été sa vie, telle fut sa fin as had been his/her life, such was his/her death
    4. [introduisant un exemple, une énumération, une comparaison] like
    les révolutionnaires qui, tel Danton, croyaient à la démocratie the revolutionaries who, like Danton, believed in democracy
    tel père, tel fils (proverbe) like father, like son (proverbe)
    5. [en intensif] such
    c'est un tel honneur pour nous... it is such an honour for us...
    1. [introduisant une comparaison]
    telle que je la connais, elle va être en retard knowing her, she's bound to be late
    tel que tu me vois, je viens de décrocher un rôle the person you see before you has just got a part
    2. [introduisant un exemple ou une énumération]
    tel que such as, like
    3. [avec une valeur intensive]
    1. [désignant des personnes ou des choses non précisées]
    tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleurera (proverbe) you can be laughing one day and crying the next
    2. [en remplacement d'un nom propre]
    tel quel ( féminin telle quelle) locution adjectivale

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > tel

  • 12 रसः _rasḥ

    रसः [रस्-अच्]
    1 Sap, juice (of trees); इक्षुरसः, कुसुमरसः &c.
    -2 A liquid, fluid; यष्टव्यं पशुभिर्मुख्यैरथो बीजै रसैरिति Mb.14.91.21; न्यस्ताक्षरा धातुरसेन यत्र Ku.1.7.
    -3 Water; सहस्रगुणमुत्स्रष्टुमादत्ते हि रसं रविः R.1.18; Bv.2.144.
    -4 Liquor, drink; Ms.2.177.
    -5 A draught, potion.
    -6 Taste, flavour, relish (fig. also) (considered in Vaiś. phil. as one of the 24 gunas; the rasas are six; कटु, अम्ल, मधुर, लवण, तिक्त and कषाय); परायत्तः प्रीतेः कथ- मिव रसं वेत्तु पुरुषः Mu.3.4; U.2.2.
    -7 A sauce, condi- ment,
    -8 An object of taste; मनो बबन्धान्यरसान् विलङ्ध्य सा R.3.4.
    -9 Taste or inclination for a thing, liking, desire; रसवर्जं रसो$प्यस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते Bg.2.59; इष्टे वस्तुन्युपचितरसाः प्रेमराशीभवन्ति Me.114.
    -1 Love, affec- tion; जरसा यस्मिन्नहार्यो रसः U.1.39; प्रसरति रसो निर्वृतिघनः 6.11 'feeling of love'; रसादृते V.2.21; Ku. 3.37.
    -11 Pleasure, delight, happiness; चिरात्सुतस्पर्श- रसज्ञतां ययौ R.3.26.
    -12 Charm, interest, elegance, beauty.
    -13 Pathos, emotion, feeling.
    -14 (In poetic compositions) A sentiment; नवरसरुचिरां निर्मितिमादधती भारती कवेर्जयति; K. P.1. (The rasas are usually eight:-- शृङ्गारहास्यकरुणरौद्रवीरभयानकाः । भीभत्साद्भुतसंज्ञौ चेत्यष्टौ नाट्ये रसाः स्मृताः ॥ but sometimes शान्तरस is added; thus making the total number 9; निर्वेदस्थायिभावो$स्ति शान्तो$पि नवमो रसः K. P.4; sometimes a tenth, वात्सल्यरस, is also added. Rasas are more or less a necessary factor of every poetic composition, but, according to Viśvanātha, they constitute the very essence of poetry; वाक्यं रसात्मकं काव्यम् S. D.3.).
    -15 Essence, pith, best part; ब्रह्म तेजोमयं शुक्रं यस्य सर्वमिदं रसःMb.12.24.9.
    -16 A con- stituent fluid of the body.
    -17 Semen virile.
    -18 Mer- cury.
    -19 A poison, poisonous drink; as in तीक्ष्णरस- दायिनः; रसविधानकौशलैः Dk.2.8.
    -2 Any mineral metallic salt.
    -21 Juice of the sugar-cane.
    -22 Milk.
    -23 Melted butter.
    -24 Nectar; मयः कूपरसे$क्षिपत् Bhāg.7.1.59-6.
    -25 Soup, broth.
    -26 A symboli- cal expression for the number 'six'.
    -27 Green onion.
    -28 Myrrh.
    -29 Gold.
    -3 A metal in a state of fusion.
    -31 See रसातल; अनेन नूनं वेदानां कृतमाहरणं रसात् Mb.12.347.67.
    -32 The tongue (as the organ of taste); वाण्यां च छन्दांसि रसे जलेशम् Bhāg.8.2.27; जितं सर्वं जिते रसे 11.8.21.
    -33 (With Vaiṣṇavas.) Dispo- sition of the heart or mind (the five Rasas are शान्ति, दास्य, साख्य, वात्सल्य and माधुर्य).
    -Comp. -अग्रजम् an ointment prepared from the calx of brass.
    -अञ्जनम् vitriol of copper, a sort of collyrium.
    -अधिक a.
    1 tasty.
    -2 abounding in pleasures, splendid; Ś.7.2 (v. l.). (
    -कः) borax.
    -अन्तरम् 1 a different taste.
    -2 different feelings or sentiments.
    -अभिनिवेशः intentness of affection.
    -अम्लः 1 a kind of sorrel.
    -2 sour sauce.
    -अयनम् 1 an elixir of life (elixir vitæ), any medicine supposed to prolong life and prevent old age; निखिलरसायनमहितो गन्धेनोग्रेण लशुन इव R. G.
    -2 (fig.) serving as an elixir vitæ, i. e. that which gratifies or regales; आनन्दनानि हृदयैकरसायनानि Māl.6.8; मनसश्च रसायनानि U.1.37; श्रोत्र˚, कर्ण˚ &c.
    -3 alchemy or chemistry.
    -4 any medicinal compound.
    -5 butter-milk.
    -6 poison.
    -7 long pepper.
    (-नः) 1 an alchemist.
    -2 N. of Garuḍa. ˚श्रेष्ठः mer- cury. (
    -नी f.)
    1 a channel for the fluids of the body.
    -2 N. of several plants:-- गुडूची, काकमाची, महाकरञ्ज, गोरक्षदुग्धा and मांसच्छदा.
    -आत्मक a.
    1 consisting of juice or sentiment.
    -2 elegant, beautiful.
    -3 having taste or flavour.
    -4 ambrosial; रसात्मकस्योडुपतेश्च रश्मयः Ku.5.22.
    -5 fluid, liquid, watery; सोमो भूत्वा रसात्मकः Bg.15.13.
    -आदानम् absorption of fluid, suction.
    -आधारः the sun.
    -आभासः 1 the semblance or mere appearance of a sentiment; अनौचित्यप्रवृत्तत्वे आभासो रसभावयोः S. D.
    -2 an improper manifestation of a sentiment.
    -आश्रयः a. embodying or representing sentiments.
    -आस्वादः 1 tasting juices of flavours.
    -2 perception or appreciation of poetic sentiments, a perception of poetical charm; as in काव्यामृतरसास्वादः.
    -आस्वादिन् m. a bee.
    -आह्वः tur- pentine.
    -इक्षुः sugar-cane.
    -इन्द्रः 1 mercury.
    -2 the philosopher's stone (the touch of which is said to turn iron into gold); ˚वेधजम्, संजातम् the gold.
    -उत्तमम् milk.
    (-मः) 1 quicksilver.
    -2 Phaseolus Mungo (Mar. मूग).
    -3 milk.
    -उत्पत्तिः 1 production of taste.
    -2 development of passion or sentiment.
    -3 generation of the vital fluids.
    -उद्भवम् 1 a pearl.
    -2 vermilion.
    -उपलम् a pearl.
    -ऊनम् garlic; also ऊनकः.
    -ओदनम् rice boiled in meat-broth.
    -कर्पूरम् sublimate of mer- cury.
    -कर्मन् n. preparation of quicksilver.
    -केसरम् camphor.
    -क्रिया the inspissation and application of fluid remedies.
    -गन्धः, -न्धम् gum-myrrh.
    -गन्धकः 1 myrrh.
    -2 sulphur.
    -गर्भम् 1 = रसाञ्जन.
    -2 vermilion.
    -गुण a. possessing the quality of taste; ज्योतिषश्च विकुर्वाणा- दापो रसगुणाः स्मृताः Ms.1.78.
    -ग्रह a.
    1 perceiving flavours.
    -2 appreciating or enjoying pleasures. (
    -हः) the organ of taste.
    -घन a. full of juice.
    -घ्नः borax.
    -जः 1 sugar, molasses.
    -2 an insect produced by the fermentation of liquids.
    -जम् blood. -a. bred in fluids; Ms.11.143.
    -जातम् an ointment prepared from the calx of brass.
    -ज्ञ a.
    1 one who appreciates the flavour or excellence of, one who knows the taste of; सांसारिकेषु च सुखेषु वयं रसज्ञाः U.2.22.
    -2 capable of discerning the beauty of things.
    (-ज्ञः) 1 a man of taste or feeling, a critic, an appreciative person, a poet.
    -2 an alchemist.
    -3 a physician, or one who prepares mer- curial or other chemical compounds. (
    -ज्ञा) the tongue; सखि मा जल्प तवायसी रसज्ञा Bv.2.59; (
    -रसज्ञता, त्वम् means
    1 poetical skill.
    -2 alchemy.
    -3 knowledge of flavours.
    -4 discrimination.).
    -ज्ञानम् a branch of medical science.
    -ज्येष्ठः 1 the sweet taste.
    -2 the love sentiment.
    -तन्मात्रम् the subtle element of taste.
    -तेजस् n. blood.
    -दः 1 a physician; Mb.12.121.45.
    -2 a spy who administers poison; Kau. A.1.12.
    -द्राविन् a kind of citron.
    -धातु n. quicksilver.
    -धेनुः a cow consisting of fruit-juice.
    -नाथः mercury.
    -नायकः N. of Sacute;iva.
    -निवृत्तिः loss of taste.
    -नेत्रिका red arsenic.
    -पाकजः molasses.
    -पाचकः a cook.
    -प्रबन्धः any poetical com- position, particularly a drama.
    -फलः the cocoanut tree.
    -भङ्गः the interruption or cessation of a sentiment.
    -भवम् blood.
    -भस्मम् n. oxide of mercury.
    -भेदः a preparation of quicksilver.
    -मलम् impure excretions.
    -मातृका the tongue.
    -योगः juices mixed scientifically.
    -राजः, -लोहः 1 = रसाञ्जन.
    -2 quick-silver.
    -वादः alche- my.
    -विक्रयः sale of liquors.
    -विद्धम् artificial gold.
    -शास्त्रम् the science of alchemy.
    -शोधनः borax. (
    -नम्) purification of mercury.
    -सरोरुहम् a red lotus.
    -सिद्ध a.
    1 accomplished in poetry, conversant with sentiments; जयन्ति ते सुकृतिनो रससिद्धाः कवीश्वराः Bh.2.24.
    -2 skilled in alchemy.
    -सिद्धिः f. skill in alchemy.
    -सिन्दूरम् a cinnabar made of zinc, mercury, blue vitriol and nitre.
    -स्थानम् vermilion.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > रसः _rasḥ

  • 13 in

    1. preposition
    1) в пространственном значении указывает на: а) нахождение внутри или в пределах чего-л. в(о), на, у; in the Soviet Union в Советском Союзе; in Leningrad в Ленинграде; in the British Isles на Британских островах; in the building в помещении, в здании; in the yard во дворе; in a car в автомашине; in the ocean в океане; in the sky на небе; in the cosmos во вселенной; в космосе; in a crowd в толпе; in (the works или books of) G. B. Shaw (в произведениях Бернарда Шоу) у Бернарда Шоу; to be smothered in smoke быть окутанным дымом;
    б) вхождение или внесение в пределы или внутрь чего-л., проникновение в какую-л. среду в, на; to arrive in a country (а city) приехать в страну (в большой город); to put (или to place) smth. in one's pocket положить что-л. в карман; to take smth. in one's hand взять что-л. в руку [ср.
    to take in hand
    а) забрать в свои руки;
    б) взяться за что-л.; взять на себя ответственность]; to throw in the fire бросить в огонь; to whisper in smb.'s ear шептать кому-л. на ухо; to go down in the stope спуститься в забой; to be immersed in a liquid быть погруженным в жидкость; to look in a mirror посмотреть(ся) в зеркало; to be absorbed in work, in a task быть погруженным в работу, выполнение задания
    2) употребляется в оборотах, указывающих на: а) часть суток, время года, месяц и т. д. в(о); существительные в сочетании с in в данном значении передаются тж. наречиями; in the evening вечером; in January в январе; in spring весной; in the spring в эту (ту) весну, этой (той) весной; in 1975 в 1975 году; in the twentieth century в двадцатом веке;
    б) промежуток времени, продолжительность в, во время, в течение, через; in an hour через час; в течение часа; she's coming in a couple of weeks она приедет недели через две
    3) употребляется в оборотах, указывающих на условия, окружающую обстановку, цель или иные обстоятельства, сопутствующие действию или состоянию в(о), при, с, на; существительные в сочетании с in в данном значении передаются тж. наречиями; in a favourable position в благоприятном положении; in a difficulty в затруднительном положении; in debt в долгу; in smb.'s absence в чье-л. отсутствие; in waiting в ожидании; in one's line в чьей-л. компетенции; in the wake of smb., smth. вслед за кем-л., чем-л., по пятам за кем-л.; in smb.'s place на чьем-л. месте; in general use во всеобщем употреблении; in fruit покрытый плодами (о дереве); in tropical heat в тропическую жару; in the rain под дождем; in the dark в темноте; in the cold на холоде; in the wind на ветру; in a thunderstorm в бурю; in a snow-drift в метель; to live in comfort жить с удобствами; in search of smth. в поисках чего-л.; in smb.'s behalf в чьих-л. интересах
    4) употребляется в оборотах, указывающих на физическое или душевное состояние человека в, на; существительные в сочетании с in в данном значении передаются тж. наречиями; blind in one eye слепой на один глаз; small in stature небольшого роста; slight in build невзрачный на вид; in a depressed (nervous) condition в подавленном (нервном) состоянии; in perplexity в замешательстве; in a fury (или a rage) в бешенстве; in astonishment в изумлении; in distress в беде; to be in good (bad) health быть здоровым (больным)
    5) употребляется в оборотах, выражающих ограничение свободы, передвижения и т. п. в, на, под; in chains (или fetters, stocks и т. п.) в оковах; to be (to put) in prison, gaol, jail, dungeon быть в тюрьме, в темнице (посадить в тюрьму); to be in custody быть под арестом; to be in smb.'s custody находиться на чьем-л. попечении, под чьим-л. наблюдением, охраной и т. п.
    6) употребляется в оборотах, указывающих на способ или средство, с помощью которых осуществляется действие; тж. fig. в, на, с, по; передается тж. тв. падежом; существительные в сочетании с in в данном значении передаются тж. наречиями; to cut in two перерезать пополам; to go (to come, to arrive) in ones and twos идти (приходить, прибывать) поодиночке и парами; in dozens дюжинами; in Russian, in English, etc. по-русски, по-английски и т. п.; falling in folds падающий складками (об одежде, драпировке); to take medicine in water (milk, syrup) принимать лекарство с водой (с молоком, в сиропе); to drink smb.'s health in a cup of ale выпить эля за здоровье кого-л.
    7) употребляется в оборотах, указывающих на материал, из которого что-л. сделано или с помощью которого делается в, из; передается тж. тв. падежом; to write in ink, etc. писать чернилами и т. п.; a statue in marble статуя из мрамора; to build in wood строить из дерева; in colour в красках
    8) употребляется в оборотах, указывающих на внешнее оформление, одежду, обувь и т. п. в; to be in white быть в белом (платье); in full plumage в полной парадной форме, во всем блеске; in decorations в орденах
    9) указывает на принадлежность к группе или организации; на род деятельности или должность в, на; передается тж. тв. падежом; to be in politics заниматься политикой; in the diplomatic service на дипломатической работе; in smb.'s service у кого-л. на службе
    10) указывает на занятость каким-л. делом в ограниченный отрезок времени в, при; в то время как, во время; причастия в сочетании с in в данном значении передаются тж. деепричастием; in bivouac на биваке; in battle в бою; in crossing the river при переходе через реку; in turning over the pages of a book перелистывая страницы книги
    11) выражает отношения глагола к косвенному дополнению, существительного к его определению и т. п. в(о), над; передается тж. различными падежами; to believe in smth. верить во что-л.; to share in smth. принимать участие в чем-л.; the latest thing in electronics collocation последнее слово в электронике; there's little sense in what he proposes мало смысла в том, что он предлагает; a lecture in anatomy лекция по анатомии; to be strong (weak) in geography успевать (отставать) по географии; to differ (to coincide) in smth. различаться (совпадать) в чем-л.; to change (to grow, to diminish) in size (volume) изменяться (расти, уменьшаться) в размере (объеме); rich (poor) in quality хорошего (плохого) качества; rich (poor) in iron (copper, oxygen, etc.) богатый (бедный) железом (медью - о руде, кислородом - о воздухе и т. п.)
    12) указывает на соотношение двух величин, отношение длины, ширины и т. п. в, на, из; передается тж. тв. падежом; seven in number числом семь; four feet in length and two feet in width четыре фута в длину и два фута в ширину; there is not one in a hundred из целой сотни едва ли один найдется
    in situ [--'++--+|] на месте
    in opposition против, вопреки
    in so much that настолько, что
    in that так как, по той причине, что
    he has it in him он способен на это
    2. adverb
    внутри; внутрь; a coat with furry side in шуба на меху
    to be in быть модным; long skirts are in now теперь в моде длинные юбки
    in and out
    а) то внутрь, то наружу;
    б) снаружи и внутри;
    в) попеременно, с колебаниями [ср. in-and-out ]; he is always in and out of hospital он то и дело попадает в больницу
    to have it in for smb. иметь зуб на кого-л.
    to drop (или to go) in on smth. принимать участие в чем-л.
    to be in for smth.
    а) быть под угрозой чего-л.; we are in for a storm грозы не миновать;
    б) дать согласие принять участие; I am in for the competition я буду участвовать в конкурсе
    to be (to stay, to stop, to live) in there (here) быть (оставаться, останавливаться, жить) там (здесь)
    to go (to come, to get) in there (here) идти (приходить, добираться) туда (сюда)
    to throw in one's hand уступить, прекратить борьбу
    to be well in with smb. быть в хороших отношениях с кем-л., пользоваться чьим-л. расположением
    3. noun
    the ins политическая партия у власти;
    ins and outs
    а) все входы и выходы;
    б) все углы и закоулки;
    в) правительство и оппозиционные партии;
    г) детали, подробности
    4. adjective
    1) расположенный внутри; the in part внутренняя часть
    2) collocation находящийся у власти; the in party правящая партия
    3) направленный внутрь; the in train прибывающий поезд
    4) модный; the in word to use модное словечко
    * * *
    (p) в; во; через
    * * *
    1) в, во; внутри, внутрь 2) на 3) через 4) по-
    * * *
    [ɪn] adj. расположенный внутри, направленный внутрь; находящийся у власти; для узкого круга; модный; прибывающий adv. внутри, внутрь, с внутренней стороны; в дом, дома; у власти; в конторе, на службе; в моде; на станции, у платформы; в прессе, на страницах газеты; согласно; в наличии prep. в, во, на, через, в течение, во время, в то время как, при, по, из, у, под, с
    * * *
    * * *
    1. предл. предлог выражает общее отношение заключенности в каких-л. рамках (понимаемых крайне широко) 1) а) нахождение, расположение внутри, в, не выходя за границы на б) из, среди, как часть в) в, во г) движение, направление: в, внутрь, в центр и т.д. д) 2) а) в, в течение б) за в) 3) а) из б) об объеме, количестве в) 4) а) досягаемость б) содержание, смысл в) г) д) 2. нареч. 1) внутри 2) рядом 3. сущ. 1) а) (the ins) парл.; разг. политическая партия, находящаяся у власти б) высокопоставленный чиновник 2) влияние 4. прил. 1) а) расположенный внутри б) внутренний, для внутреннего пользования 2) разг. находящийся у власти

    Новый англо-русский словарь > in

  • 14 bearing

    опора; подшипник; вкладыш (подшипника); цапфа; опорная площадь; точка опоры; II направляющий; опорный; несущий; содержащий; поддерживающий
    - bearing body - bearing bolt - bearing bond - bearing box - bearing burning-out - bearing bush - bearing bushing - bearing cage - bearing cap - bearing capacity - bearing capacity of soil - bearing carrier - bearing clearance - bearing cone - bearing cup - bearing cup inserter - bearing cup inserter set - bearing disc - bearing driver - bearing driver set - bearing edge - bearing extractor - bearing face - bearing feed pipe - bearing flange - bearing friction - bearing friction loss - bearing housing - bearing journal - bearing lining - bearing load - bearing metal - bearing oil - bearing oil pipe - bearing oil pipe union - bearing plate - bearing power - bearing preload indicator - bearing pressure - bearing puller - bearing race - bearing reaction - bearing release lever - bearing remover - bearing replacer - bearing retainer puller - bearing roller - bearing saddle bore - bearing seat - bearing shell - bearing spring - bearing strip - bearing stud - bearing support - bearing surface - bearing surface area - bearing take-up - bearing tension indicator - bearing-up pulley - bearing value - bearing wheel - bearing with side plate - bearing with taper bore - bearing wrench - line up the bearing - air-lubricated thrust bearing - big-end bearing - blade bearing - block bearing - bottom-end bearing - bracket bearing - bronze bearing - bronze-backed bearing - bush bearing - cadmium-alloy bearing - cageless bearing - camshaft bearing - central bearing - centre bearing - centre main bearing - clearance bearing - clutch bearing - clutch pilot bearing - clutch release bearing - clutch throwout bearing - clutch thrust bearing - clutch withdrawal bearing - collar bearing - collar step bearing - collar thrust bearing - composite bearing - compound bearing - conical bearing - conical roller bearing - conical roller thrust bearing - connecting rod bearing - connecting rod big-end bearing - copper-lead bearing - crank bearing - crankpin bearing - crankshaft bearing - crankshaft main bearing - cup-and-cone bearing - cylindrical roller bearing - cylindrical roller bearing with long rollers - cylindrical roller bearing without inner and outer rings - deep-groove bearing - differential bearing - discoloured bearing - divided bearing - double angular bearing - double-cone bearing - double-cup bearing - double-plate bearing - double-row bearing - double-row angular contact ball bearing - double-row radial-thrust ball bearing - double seal bearing - double sealed bearing - double-shield bearing - double-shield ball bearing - double-thrust bearing - drop-hanger bearing - duplex bearing - elastically yielding bearing - end bearing - end journal bearing - end thrust bearing - even bearing - fabri-seal bearing - fan and pump shaft bearing - fan spindle bearing - filling slot-type bearing - fitted bearing - fixed bearing - flanged cup bearing - flat bearing - flexible roller bearing - floating bearing - foot-step bearing - fork bearing - free bearing - front main bearing - front-wheel bearing - fulcrum bearing - full-journal bearing - full-type bearing without retainer - graphite bearing - graphited oilless bearing - gudgeon bearing - guide bearing - half-bearing - hanger-bearing - head bearing - heavy-duty bearing - high-speed bearing - hot bearing - inner bearing - intermediate bearing - iron base bearing - jeweled bearing - journal bearing - king-pin bearing - king pin thrust bearing - knife bearing - knife-edge bearing - knuckle bearing - lay shaft bearing - leading-screw bearing - lignum vital bearing - locating bearing - location bearing - lower bearing - lubri-seal bearing - magneto bearing - main bearing - main shaft pilot bearing - middle bearing - nail bearing - narrow-type bearing - neck journal bearing - needle bearing - needle bearing with closed end - needle roller bearing - non-filling slot-type bearing - notched type bearing - oblique pillow-block bearing - oblique plummer-block bearing - oilless bearing - oil-ring bearing - one-shield bearing - oscillation bearing - outboard bearing - outborne bearing - outer bearing - overhung bearing - oversize bearing - parallel bearing - parallel roller bearing - partial journal bearing - pedal bearing - pedestal bearing - pendulum bearing - permanently sealed bearing - pilot bearing - pin rocker bearing - pivot bearing - pivoted bearing - plain bearing - plain-and-ball bearing - plain journal bearing - pockwood bearing - preloaded bearing - prelubricated bearing - primary shaft bearing - propeller shaft centre bearing - quarter box bearing - quill bearing - radial bearing - radial ball bearing - radial-thrust bearing - radial-thrust ball bearing - rear main bearing - reciprocating bearing - release bearing - reverse idler gear bearing - rigid-type bearing - ring lubricating bearing - ring oiling bearing - ring step bearing - rocker bearing - roller bearing - roller bearing with spiral - roller step bearing - roller thrust bearing - rolling bearing - rolling contact bearing - round bearing - sealed bearing - self-setting bearing - Seller's bearing - shaft bearing - shielded bearing - shielded ball bearing - single-plate ball bearing - single-row angular contact ball bearing with split outer race - single-row ball bearing - single-row deep groove ball bearing - single-row maximum capacity bearing - single-row radial ball bearing - single-shield bearing - single-thrust bearing - sintered metal powder bearing - sleeve bearing - sleeve half-bearing - sliding bearing - snap-ring bearing - snap-ring ball bearing - solid bearing - solid roller bearing - spherangular roller bearing - spherical bearing - spherical roller bearing - spherical seating ring bearing - spigot bearing - split bearing - split clamping bearing - split inner race bearing - split outer race bearing - spring bearing - steel-backed bearing - steep-angle bearing - steering knuckle thrust bearing - steering shaft thrust bearing - step bearing - straddle-mounted bearings - stuffing box bearing - supporting bearing - swing bearing - swiveling bearing - tail bearing - taper roller bearing - taper roller bearing with flanged cup - taper thrust bearing - tapered bearing - tapered roller bearing - thin wall bearing - thin walled bearing - throw bearing - throw-out bearing - thrust bearing - thrust clutch bearing - thrust roller bearing - thrust taper roller bearing - tilting bearing - Timken bearing - tip bearing - toe bearing - tooth bearing - transmission bearing - transmission countershaft bearing - transmission main drive gear bearing - transmission main shaft pilot bearing - transverse bearing - trunnion bearing - tumbler bearing - two-direction thrust bearing - two-part bearing - unbushed bearing - universal-joint bearing - unnotched bearing - upper bearing - water-cooled bearing - water-sealed bearing - white metal bearing - wide inner ring bearing - wiped bearing - wound roller bearing - wound roller bearing with solid outer race - wound roller bearing with split outer race - wound roller bearing without inner ring - wrist pin bearing

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > bearing

  • 15 οὐσία

    οὐσί-α, [dialect] Ion.

    - ιη Hdt.1.92

    , 6.86.ά, SIG167.26 (Mylasa, iv B. C.); [dialect] Dor. [full] ἐσσία, [full] ὠσία (qq. v.): : ( ὀντ-, part. of εἰμί sum):—that which is one's own, one's substance, property, Hdt. ll.cc., S.Tr. 911 (s. v. l.), E. HF 337, Hel. 1253 (pl., Fr. 354 (s. v. l.)), Ar.Ec. 729, Lys.18.17, Pl.R. 551b, SIGl.c., etc.; opp. τὰ σώματα (civil status), And.1.74;

    καλῶς.. ἐπεμελήθη τῶν οὐσιῶν ὑπὲρ τοῦ δημάρχου BSA24.154

    (Attica, iv B.C.); εἰ ἐκεκτήμην οὐ. if I had been a man of substance, Lys.24.11;

    ὑπὲρ τὴν οὐ. δαπανᾶν Diph.32.7


    πατρῴαν οὐ. κατεσθίειν Anaxipp.1.32

    , cf. Critias 45 D.; φανερὰ οὐσία real property, immovables, And.1.118; opp. ἀφανής, Lys.32.4; freq. of estates in Egypt, PTeb.6.23 (ii B. C., pl.), BGU650.3 (i A. D.), OGI665.30 (i A. D.), etc.
    II in Philos., like [dialect] Ion. φύσις (with which it is interchanged in various uses, e. g. Philol. 11, Pl.R. 359a, 359b, Arist.PA 646a25, Thphr.HP6.1.1), stable being, immutable reality, opp.

    γένεσις, ὅτιπερ πρὸς γένεσιν οὐσία, τοῦτο πρὸς πίστιν ἀλήθεια Pl.Ti. 29c

    , cf. Sph. 232c;

    ὧν κίνησις γένεσιν παραλαβοῦσα ἀέναον οὐ. ἐπόρισεν Id.Lg. 966e


    γένεσις μὲν τὸ σπέρμα, οὐ. δὲ τὸ τέλος Arist.PA 641b32

    , cf. 640a18, etc.;

    ὁδὸς εἰς οὐσίαν Id.Metaph. 1003b7

    : hence, being in the abstract, opp. non-being ([etym.] τὸ μὴ εἶναι), Pl.Tht. 185c.
    2 substance, essence, opp. πάθη ('modes'), Id.Euthphr. 11a;

    πάθη οὐσίας Arist.Metaph. 1003b7

    ; opp. συμβεβηκότα ('accidents'), Id.APo. 83a24, PA 643a27;

    ἡ φύσις [τῆς ψυχῆς] καὶ ἡ οὐ., εἶθ' ὅσα συμβέβηκε περὶ αὐτήν Id.de An. 402a8

    3 true nature of that which is a member of a kind, defined as

    ὃ τυγχάνει ἕκαστον ὄν Pl.Phd. 65d

    ; as τὸ ὅ ἐστι ib. 92d; as

    τὸ τί ἐστι Arist.APo. 90b30

    ; τὸ εἶναί τε καὶ τὴν οὐ. Pl.R. 509b; expressed in a formula or definition,

    ψυχῆς οὐ. τε καὶ λόγον Id.Phdr. 245e


    τὸ τί ἦν εἶναι οὗ ὁ λόγος ὁρισμός, καὶ τοῦτο οὐ. λέγεται Arist.Metaph. 1017b22

    ; μόνης τῆς οὐ. ἐστὶν ὁ ὁρισμός ib. 1031a1.
    4 the possession of such a nature, substantiality,

    ἔτι ἐπέκεινα τῆς οὐ. πρεσβείᾳ.. ὑπερέχοντος Pl.R. 509b

    5 in the concrete, the primary real, the substratum underlying all change and process in nature, applied by Arist. to the atoms of Democritus, Fr. 208; to

    τὰ ἁπλᾶ σώματα Id.Cael. 298a29

    , cf. Metaph. 1017b10;

    πᾶσαι αἱ φυσικαὶ οὐ. ἢ σώματα ἢ μετὰ σωμάτων γίγνονται Id.Cael. 298b3

    , al.;

    ταὐτὸν σῶμα καὶ οὐσίαν ὁριζόμενοι Pl. Sph. 246a

    ; but also, νοητὰ ἄττα καὶ ἀσώματα εἴδη.. τὴν ἀληθινὴν οὐ. ib.b.
    6 in Logic, substance as the leading category, Arist. Cat. 1b26, Metaph. 1045b29; αἱ πρῶται οὐ. (individuals), αἱ δεύτεραι οὐ. (species and genera), Id.Cat. 2b5, 2a15 (but

    ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ ὁ ἵππος.. οὐκ ἔστιν οὐ. ἀλλὰ σύνολόν τι Id.Metaph. 1035b29

    , cf. σύνθετος or συνθέτη οὐ. ib. 1043a30, de An. 412a16);

    ἡ μὲν ψυχὴ οὐ. ἡ πρώτη, τὸ δὲ σῶμα ὕλη Id.Metaph. 1037a5


    ἡ ψυχὴ οὐ. ὡς εἶδος Id.de An. 412a19

    ; ἡ οὐ. ἐντελέχεια ib.21; [

    ψυχὴ] οὐ. τοῦ ἐμψύχου Id.Metaph. 1035b15

    ; of the abstract objects of mathematics,

    μονὰς οὐ. ἄθετος, στιγμὴ δὲ οὐ. θετός Id.APo. 87a36

    7 after Pl. and Arist. in various uses, as ἡ ἄποιος οὐ., = ἡ ὕλη, Zeno Stoic.1.24; κατὰ οὐσίαν, opp. κατὰ δύναμιν ἢ ἐνέργειαν, Polystr.p.12 W.; πᾶς νοῦς ἀμέριστός ἐστιν οὐ. Procl.Inst. 171, cf. Plot.2.4.5, 2.6.1, 4.7.8, 6.1.2, al.
    8 Pythag. name for I, Theol.Ar.6.
    III name of a plaster, Aët.15.15,45.
    IV αἱ οὐ. fireresisting substances, Zos.Alch.p.168 B.; of the four σώματα (copper, tin, lead, iron), Ps.-Democr. ap. eund.p.167 B.
    V in Magic, a material thing by which a connexion is established between the person to be acted upon and the supernatural agent, e.g. a hair,

    λαβὼν βελόνην διείρων τὴν οὐ. εἰς αὐτήν PMag.Par.1.2949

    , cf. PMag.Osl. 1.73; mould from a tomb, PMag.Par.1.435; κυνοκεφάλου οὐ.,.. κυνὸς οὐ., = κόπρος (cf. 2460), ib.2687, etc.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > οὐσία

  • 16 bar

    1. noun
    1) (long piece of rigid material) Stange, die; (shorter, thinner also) Stab, der; (of gold, silver) Barren, der

    a bar of chocolate — ein Riegel Schokolade; (slab) eine Tafel Schokolade

    2) (Sport) Stab, der; (crossbar) [Sprung]latte, die

    parallel bars — Barren, der

    high or horizontal bar — Reck, das

    3) (heating element) Heizelement, das (Elektrot.)
    4) (band) Streifen, der; (on medal) silberner Querstreifen
    5) (rod, pole) Stange, die; (of cage, prison) Gitterstab, der

    behind bars(in prison) hinter Gittern; (into prison) hinter Gitter

    6) (barrier, lit. or fig.) Barriere, die (to für)

    a bar on recruitment/promotion — ein Einstellungs-/Beförderungsstopp

    7) (for refreshment) Bar, die; (counter) Theke, die
    8) (Law): (place at which prisoner stands) ≈ Anklagebank, die

    the prisoner at the bar — der/die Angeklagte

    9) (Law): (particular court) Gerichtshof, der

    be called to the barals Anwalt vor höheren Gerichten zugelassen werden

    the Bardie höhere Anwaltschaft

    10) (Mus.) Takt, der
    11) (sandbank, shoal) Barre, die; Sandbank, die
    2. transitive verb,
    - rr-
    1) (fasten) verriegeln
    2) (obstruct) sperren [Straße, Weg] (to für)

    bar somebody's wayjemandem den Weg versperren

    3) (prohibit, hinder) verbieten

    bar somebody from doing something — jemanden daran hindern, etwas zu tun

    3. preposition
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) der Barren, die Stange
    2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) der Strich
    3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) der Riegel
    4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) die Bar
    5) (a public house.) das Gericht
    6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) der Takt
    7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) das Hindernis
    8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) Schranke vor der Richterbank
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) verriegeln
    2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) ausschließen
    3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) hindern
    3. preposition
    (except: All bar one of the family had measles.) außer
    - academic.ru/5530/barmaid">barmaid
    - barman
    - bar code
    * * *
    [bɑ:ʳ, AM bɑ:r]
    n LAW
    the \Bar
    1. BRIT, AUS (in higher courts) die höhere Anwaltschaft
    to be called to the \Bar als Anwalt/Anwältin vor höheren Gerichten zugelassen werden
    2. (ruling body) die Anwaltschaft
    the Bench and the \Bar Richter und Anwälte
    the \Bar Council BRIT Anwaltskammer f
    the [American] \Bar Association die US-Bundesanwaltskammer
    to be admitted to the \Bar AM als Anwalt/Anwältin [vor Gericht] zugelassen werden
    to read for the \Bar BRIT Jura studieren [um Anwalt zu werden]
    * * *
    I [bAː(r)]
    1. n
    1) (of metal, wood) Stange f; (of toffee etc) Riegel m; (of electric fire) Element nt

    a two-bar electric fireein Heizgerät nt mit zwei Heizstäben

    2) (of window, grate, cage) (Gitter)stab m; (of door) Stange f
    3) (SPORT) (horizontal) Reck nt; (for high jump etc) Latte f; (= one of parallel bars) Holm m

    bars pl (parallel)Barren m

    (wall) bars — Sprossenwand f

    to exercise on the barsam Barren turnen

    4) (BALLET) Stange f

    at the baran der Stange

    5) (COMPUT) Leiste f
    6) (fig: obstacle) Hindernis nt (to für), Hemmnis nt (to für)

    to be a bar to stheiner Sache (dat) im Wege stehen

    7) (of colour) Streifen m; (of light) Strahl m, Streifen m
    8) (JUR)

    to read for the Bar —

    at the bar of public opinion (fig)vor dem Forum der Öffentlichkeit

    9) (for prisoners) Anklagebank f

    prisoner at the bar — "Angeklagter!"

    10) (for drinks) Lokal nt; (esp expensive) Bar f; (part of pub) Gaststube f; (= counter) Theke f, Tresen m; (at railway station) Ausschank m

    we're going to the bars ( US inf ) — wir machen eine Kneipentour, wir machen die Kneipen unsicher (inf)

    11) (MUS) Takt m; (= bar line) Taktstrich m
    12) (Brit

    on medal) DSO and bar — zweimal verliehener DSO

    13) (HER) Balken m
    14) (MET) Bar nt
    15) (in river, harbour) Barre f
    2. vt
    1) (= obstruct) road blockieren, versperren

    to bar sb's wayjdm den Weg versperren or verstellen

    to bar the way to progressdem Fortschritt im Wege stehen

    2) (= fasten) window, door versperren
    3) (= exclude, prohibit) person, possibility ausschließen; action, thing untersagen, verbieten

    to bar sb from a competitionjdn von (der Teilnahme an) einem Wettbewerb ausschließen


    bar none — ohne Ausnahme, ausnahmslos

    * * *
    bar [bɑː(r)]
    A s
    1. Stange f, Stab m:
    bars pl Gitter n;
    behind bars fig hinter Gittern, hinter Schloss und Riegel;
    put behind bars fig hinter Schloss und Riegel bringen
    2. Riegel m, Querbalken m, -holz n, -stange f
    3. Schranke f, Barriere f, Sperre f:
    the bar (of the House) PARL Br die Schranke (im Ober- od Unterhaus, bis zu der geladene Zeugen vortreten dürfen)
    4. fig (to) Hindernis n (für), Schranke f (gegen):
    be a bar to progress dem Fortschritt im Wege stehen;
    let down the bars alle (besonders moralischen) Beschränkungen fallen lassen, US die polizeiliche Überwachung (besonders des Nachtlebens) lockern
    5. Riegel m, Stange f:
    a bar of soap ein Riegel oder Stück Seife;
    a bar of chocolate, a chocolate bar ein Riegel (weitS. eine Tafel) Schokolade;
    bar copper Stangenkupfer n;
    bar soap Stangenseife f
    6. Brechstange f
    7. WIRTSCH, TECH (Gold- etc) Barren m
    8. TECH
    a) allg Schiene f
    b) Zugwaage f (am Wagen)
    c) Maschinenbau: Leitschiene f oder -stange f
    d) Schieber m, Schubriegel m
    e) Lamelle f
    9. Barren m, Stange f (als Maßeinheit)
    10. Band n, Streifen m, Strahl m (von Farbe, Licht etc):
    a bar of sunlight ein Sonnenstrahl
    11. SCHIFF Barre f, Sandbank f (am Hafeneingang)
    12. a) (dicker) Strich:
    b) Heraldik: (horizontaler) Balken
    c) TV Balken m (auf dem Bildschirm)
    d) COMPUT Leiste f
    13. MUS
    a) Taktstrich m
    b) (ein) Takt m:
    bar rest (Ganz)Taktpause f
    14. a) Bar f
    b) Bar f, Schanktisch m, Theke f
    c) Schankraum m
    d) Lokal n, Imbissstube f
    15. JUR
    a) Hindernis n (to für), Ausschließungsgrund m
    b) Einrede f:
    defence (US defense) in bar perem(p)torische Einrede;
    bar to marriage Ehehindernis;
    as a bar to, in bar of etwas ausschließend, zwecks Ausschlusses (gen)
    16. JUR (Gerichts)Schranke f:
    at the bar vor Gericht;
    case at bar US zur Verhandlung stehender Fall;
    prisoner at the bar Angeklagte(r) m/f(m)
    17. JUR (das tagende) Gericht
    18. fig Gericht n, Tribunal n, Schranke f:
    at the bar of public opinion vor den Schranken oder vor dem Tribunal der öffentlichen Meinung
    19. Bar JUR
    a) Anwaltsberuf m,
    b) (auch als pl konstruiert) (die gesamte) Anwaltschaft, Br (der) Stand der barristers:
    admission (Br call[ing]) the Bar Zulassung f als Anwalt (Br barrister);
    be admitted (Br called) to the Bar als Anwalt (Br barrister) zugelassen werden;
    be called within the Bar Br zum King’s ( oder Queen’s) Counsel ernannt werden;
    read for the Bar Br Jura studieren;
    Bar Association US (Rechts-)Anwaltskammer f;
    Bar Council Br Standesrat m der barristers
    20. PHYS Bar n (Maßeinheit des Drucks)
    21. a) Schaumstange f (eines Stangengebisses)
    b) Träger pl (Teile des Pferdegaumens)
    c) pl Sattelbäume pl, Stege pl
    22. (Quer)Band n (an einer Medaille), (Ordens) Spange f
    23. SPORT
    a) (Reck) Stange f
    b) (Barren) Holm m
    c) (Tor-, Quer) Latte f
    d) (Sprung) Latte f
    B v/t
    1. zu-, verriegeln: barred
    2. auch bar up vergittern, mit Schranken umgeben
    3. auch bar in einsperren:
    bar out aussperren
    4. den Weg etc versperren
    5. JUR eine Klage, den Rechtsweg etc ausschließen
    6. a) (ver)hindern, hemmen
    b) (from) hindern (an dat), abhalten (von)
    c) jemanden oder etwas ausschließen ( from aus)
    d) jemandem Haus- oder Lokalverbot erteilen:
    he’s been barred from there er hat dort Lokalverbot; barring
    7. verbieten, untersagen: hold2 A 3
    8. mit Streifen versehen
    9. MUS mit Taktstrichen unterteilen, in Takte einteilen
    C präp außer, ausgenommen, abgesehen von:
    bar one außer einem;
    bar none ohne Einschränkung
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (long piece of rigid material) Stange, die; (shorter, thinner also) Stab, der; (of gold, silver) Barren, der

    a bar of chocolate — ein Riegel Schokolade; (slab) eine Tafel Schokolade

    2) (Sport) Stab, der; (crossbar) [Sprung]latte, die

    parallel bars — Barren, der

    high or horizontal bar — Reck, das

    3) (heating element) Heizelement, das (Elektrot.)
    4) (band) Streifen, der; (on medal) silberner Querstreifen
    5) (rod, pole) Stange, die; (of cage, prison) Gitterstab, der

    behind bars (in prison) hinter Gittern; (into prison) hinter Gitter

    6) (barrier, lit. or fig.) Barriere, die (to für)

    a bar on recruitment/promotion — ein Einstellungs-/Beförderungsstopp

    7) (for refreshment) Bar, die; (counter) Theke, die
    8) (Law): (place at which prisoner stands) ≈ Anklagebank, die

    the prisoner at the bar — der/die Angeklagte

    9) (Law): (particular court) Gerichtshof, der
    10) (Mus.) Takt, der
    11) (sandbank, shoal) Barre, die; Sandbank, die
    2. transitive verb,
    - rr-
    1) (fasten) verriegeln
    2) (obstruct) sperren [Straße, Weg] (to für)
    3) (prohibit, hinder) verbieten

    bar somebody from doing something — jemanden daran hindern, etwas zu tun

    3. preposition
    * * *
    (drinking) n.
    Lokal -e n. (drinks serving counter) n.
    Theke -n f.
    Tresen - n. (legal profession) n.
    Anwaltschaft f. (line) n.
    Strich -e m. (metal) n.
    Stange -n f. (music) n.
    Takt -e (Musik) m. n.
    Bar -s f.
    Barren - m.
    Gaststätte f.
    Kneipe -n f.
    Riegel - m.
    Schanklokal n.
    Schankwirtschaft f.

    English-german dictionary > bar

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Iron Age — This article is about the historical / archaeological period known as the Iron Age. For the mythological Iron Age, see Ages of Man. Iron Age This box: view · talk · …   Wikipedia

  • Copper mining in the United States — US primary copper production 1900 2008. Source: USGS …   Wikipedia

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